Chapter 3

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Dream POV

I looked down at the few boxes I have yet to unpack. I rubbed my eyes and sat down on the mattress of my bed. This is so tiring. I need a break. I was going to call Sapnap and then decided against it. Shouldn't bother him too much. He still has to get ready for school too. 

I looked out the window out of habit. I saw Wilbur lying down on his bed and scrolling on his phone. I grinned, an idea forming in my head. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote something and then scrunched the piece of paper up. I opened my window and threw it. 

Wilbur POV

I scrolled through Youtube, trying to find something interesting to watch. What the fuck is Ariana Grande doing here? Don't even listen to her! I rolled my eyes, Youtube always does a horrible job at recommending videos. That's when a scrunched-up piece of paper came flying through my window and landed beside me. I looked around, confused. 

Looking out the window, I saw Dream laughing his ass off. I didn't know what to do and opened the piece of paper. It read:

Hey, I'm bored, wanna talk?

I was about to grab a pencil and say yes until I remembered what my father said. Right, can't talk to him. I sat back down and scrolled on my phone again, ignoring the slight tug of guilt in my chest. I clicked on a video and was about to start watching when another piece of paper came flying and hit me square on the head. 

Frustrated, I slammed my phone on my bed and unravelled the piece of paper. 

Why are you ignoring me :(

Immediately, all my anger was gone. Fuck it, I don't care if he kills me at this point. I grabbed a pencil and started writing. 

What do you want?

I walked over to my window and tried to throw it across. Surprisingly, it made it. I saw Dream read it and then start writing again. 

I said I wanted to talk! 

You know you could've just asked me for my phone number, right?

But where's the fun in that?


Ok fine. Can I have your number ;)

Blood rushed to my head when I read that and I tried to cover up my flustered face. 

It's (insert amazing phone number here)

Thanks ;) also, you're cute when you're flustered :)

If it was possible, my cheeks blushed even more. At this point, I probably looked like a tomato. My phone vibrated as a notification came through. I picked it up, it was from Dream. 

We ended up texting for the rest of the night. I told him I was homeschooled, and he told me about the time when his friend, Sapnap, almost burned down the whole house. I chuckled at the story. 


I stared at my ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Today was the best day that has happened in a while. Sure, he got hit and yelled at twice, but I talked to Dream! That's always a plus. A smile grew on my face. I opened up our messages and read through them, laughing at every bad joke, blushing at every flirty comment, and just generally smiling. This boy does something to me, doesn't he. 

I fell asleep with thoughts swarming my brain. 


Dream POV

"Dream!" I jolted awake. I saw my mother at my door. "You have to go to school today." I rubbed my eyes, confusion settling in. "But it's a Sunday!" 

"You're having a student tour you today, remember?" My mother said. I sighed, "Right, I forgot. I'll get ready now." My mother closed the door and I stood up, stretching while a big yawn escaped my lips. 

I stood up and looked in my closet. What should I wear today...


"BYE!" Drista shouted as I exited the door. "Bye!" I yelled. I closed the door and locked it. I opened my phone and checked the map. This says it should be a 7-minute walk. 

I looked behind me at Wilbur's house. No one ever leaves the house, that's kind of weird. I shrugged, none of my business. I continued walking and reached a big building. 

At the front entrance stood a young-looking boy who had interesting lavender eyes. He looked up and saw me. "Are you Dream?" I nodded in response. 

"Great! My name's Purpled. I'll be touring you around today, how old are you?" I followed him as we went inside, "I'm 17, Grade 12."

"Wow, you're really tall. I'm 16 in Grade 11. Here, this is your schedule." He handed me a sheet of paper. I scanned through it, nothing looked too difficult so far. 

"Here's how the classrooms work. If your classroom is in the 100s, you're on the first floor. If your classroom is in the 200s, you're on the second floor, and so on so forth." I nodded in understanding. Not difficult to understand. 

"Now, because we're in a shit high school, there's obviously the cliche popular girls." Purpled said with a hint of disgust in his tone, "Make sure to stay away from Jessica, Grace, Layla, and Sophia. They're all in your grade, so good luck." 

I chuckled, "Don't worry. I've dealt with those kind of people in my last school." Purpled smiled, "Then you should be fine. Stay away from them and you won't have any trouble." 

He then proceeded to show me the convenience stores around the school that you could buy lunch from and all the entrances and exits. He was a really nice guy. 


"That should be it for now! The school looks pretty big at first, but you'll get used to it after the first couple of days. If you need any help, just text me, I never put my phone on do not disturb." I smiled at him, "Thanks for taking the time out of your Sunday for me, I'll repay you." 

He shook his head, "It's all good. I know how terrifying this school can look." I waved goodbye and set back home, content with how my day was going. 


1015 words! Thanks for bearing with me while I went on a little break. Just saying that all important things (breaks, new books, discontinued books) will be announced on my message board. Thanks!

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