Chapter 5

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TW: Homophobia. Physical abuse. Please tell me if I missed any. I don't want to hurt anyone or anything.

Wilbur POV

"Dream! Just tell me where we're going!" I said, giggling. Dream laughed, "Just wait and see!" He kept pulling me and I almost tripped over a rock. "Slow down man, you're going to kill me." 

We finally arrived at the destination. It was a park. It had nice plains of field and walkways in between them. There were benches scattered around where families and couples were sitting. There were many fast food stations like ice cream, burgers, fries, etc. I was panting and trying to catch my breath. "You don't often exercise huh." Dream said. I shook my head between wheezes, "Never get a chance to." 

He laughed and it made my stomach churn. "I was hoping we could spend the evening here. I thought it'd be enjoyable." He sounded really hesitant, as if not sure I would like it. I smiled, "That sounds awesome!" He broke into a smile. 

"C'mon! Let's get ice cream first." The inner 6-year-old in me started to skip. "Ice cream?" He nodded, laughing at my reaction. I had a massive smile on my face, looking like a kid who just walked into a candy store with an unlimited budget. "You look like I just gave you a million dollars." 

I giggled, "I just haven't had ice cream in a while." It was true. I haven't had ice cream for years. I've forgotten what it tasted like. I just remembered that it was good and that I liked it. 

"C'mon then! Let's go get some!" He broke into another run and I tried my best to keep up with him. 


Dream POV

"Holy shit, it's better than I remembered," he exclaimed as we sat on the bench. I laughed. The sun was starting to set and the air was getting chilly. I noticed that Wilbur shivered a little. I took off my sweater and gave it to him. 

"I'm fine! You're going to catch a cold." He said, trying to hand me back the sweater. I smiled, he was so cute up close- wait what? 

"No no. You can have it, I'm good with handling the cold." After a bit of persuading, he took the sweater and wrapped it around himself. 

"So, here's the book," I said. I put down my backpack and took it out. He took it with a look of awe on his face. 

"Wow. I can't believe I'm holding it right now. Thank you so much!" He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a big hug. I hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of his body against mine. 

"C'mon, let's go for a walk," I said, standing up. He followed me."So, how come you never leave your home." I said as we walked. It was true. I've noticed that he never seems to leave the house. 

"Um, I do!" He said. 

"Uh huh. Don't believe it."

"Well- why are you stalking me!"

"Am not!"

He laughed and shook his head. "Follow me. I know a good spot." I took his hand and led him to my favorite spot in the whole world. As we walked, a boy passed by us, "Ew. Gay people." 

"Ew. Brainless people." I said really loudly. Wilbur blushed, "Do they think we're dating or something?" 

I wish. "Probably because we're holding hands or something." I expected him to take his hand out of mine, but he didn't. 

I led him to a cliffside and sat down a little far off. Wilbur gasped, "Wow... It's so pretty. I love it." "Just like you." 

He blushed a deep crimson and I burst out laughing, "You should've seen your face!" 

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