Chapter 10

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TW: Violence, knives, death, basically some gore, 

Last chapter before the epilogue :)

*A few years later*

Wilbur POV

"Honey, we need to buy more groceries." Dream called from the kitchen. I sighed, stretching. I had been writing in my diary, something my therapist recommended. 

I walked to the kitchen, hugging Dream from behind as he continued to cook. "Okay, I'll do that in a bit," I said, resting my head in the nook of his neck. I watched as he cooked, smiling. "It smells good." He was making chicken noodle soup and it smelled amazing. 

He chuckled, "You say that every day." I giggled a little bit, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Because it's true! I'm so glad you know how to cook, I'd starve to death if it weren't for you." Dream gave me an affectionate shove. 

"Don't bother the cook when they're cooking." I rolled my eyes, still having the stupid smile on my face. "Okay, okay. I'm going to go buy groceries now. See you in a bit."

I decided not to drive there as it wasn't that far away. It was an easy 5 or so-minute walk. Plus, it was always good to get fresh air and enjoy the nature around you. We moved to a small town to get away from the big bustling city. It was quite nice around here, although there were many sketchy alleyways. 

I hummed, walking down the familiar streets. Life had been good. After our wedding, we moved here, settling for a quiet life. We both worked, and spend a lot of our time together. It was a life that I think I could live forever. 

I glanced down an alleyway and thought I saw a familiar figure. I squinted, walking closer. That's when I froze, a scream bubbling up in my throat. No no no no no. There's no way. Please. He's supposed to be in jail, he's supposed to be in jail. How, how, how, HOW? How does he know where I AM? I was frozen, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. 

I remembered my therapist's instructions. Slowly taking deep breaths, I started to quietly walk backwards. Just leave, just leave, just leave. I continued doing this, taking out my phone and opening the app. Before I could safely go out of sight, he turned around and locked eyes with me. 

Blood drained from my face, hands shaking from old terrifying memories. He slowly approached me, and even though my brain was yelling at me to run and seek help, there was something inside of me that told me to stay put. Like I was trained to do this. 

"Wilbur. I knew I'd find you around here." He said. His voice was deeper and gruffer than what I remember. My breathing started to get shallow again. With trembling fingers I pressed the first contact that was on the top of my list, not even knowing who it was. Please help me. He's going to kill me. I pleaded in my head to this imaginary person. 

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said, starting to get closer. I regained control of my body and took another step back. "Do you know what you did to me? What that place did to me? It was horrible there. And you did that to me. I'm going to make you pay." He snarled, putting his hand in his pocket and grabbing something. It was shiny and silver, a knife. 

I suddenly got a wave of confidence, I lifted up my chin, "Do you know what you did to me?" I spat. As soon as I said it, my wave of confidence left just like it came. I suddenly regretted those words, wishing I had never said anything. Now I'm definitely dead. Oh well, it was bound to happen. I merely closed my eyes, accepting that my fate was in his arms. It always has been. 

He gave a chilly laugh, too familiar for my liking. "Oooh, you know how to talk back now. Did your silly little boyfriend teach you that?" I opened my eyes at the mention of Dream, quickly looking at him. I took a deep breath and pointed fiercely at him. "You leave Dream out of this. This is between us two, it has nothing to do with him." 

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