Chapter 4

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TW: homophobia, physical abuse from family, self harm. PLEASE BE CAREFUL <3 ILY SO MUCH, BE SAFE

Dream POV

I walked into the bookstore, looking around in wonder. Wow, so many books. Wilbur would definitely love this place. 

I walked to the counter, "Hi, I was wondering if you had 'Prison Break' by Awesamdude?" The front lady woman smiled at me, "Yes! We have 2 copies actually. There over there by bookshelf 16." I nodded a thanks and quickly walked over. 

I reached it and got a copy. The price was $18 USD. Not as bad as I thought. I went to the front desk and paid for it. "Thank you!" I said as I walked out the store. I happily walked back home, Wilbur's gonna love this. 

Wilbur POV

"YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! YOU'RE A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" He screamed. I tried to regulate my breathing, failing in the process. My face stung, my legs hurt, and my heart hurt. I was against the wall, sunken down and crying. 

"S-Stop please. I-It hurts." I begged. It hurt so fucking bad. I wanted it all to end, for it to stop, for Dream to come and help me, anyone to come and help me. He shoved me, "DO YOU MAKE THE ORDERS, OR DO I?" 

"You." He slapped me again, make my cries even louder. "EXACTLY! DON'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT! I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW." I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the pain that got to me. Or the heartbreak, but suddenly, it didn't hurt anymore. 

Instead of sobs, giggles erupted from my mouth. It turned into laughing. He didn't do or say anything. "THEN DO IT! FUCKING DO IT!" A scared expression flickered on his face before disappearing. 

"Watch your mouth, boy." I stood up, suddenly feeling like I was in control. I was the boss now. "What? Are you a coward? Kill me!" I spread my arms wide, a massive grin across my bruised face. He didn't do anything again, making me giggle. 

I grabbed the razor blade that was lying on the table. Staring straight at him, I took the razor blade and cut my arm. To my surprise, it felt so fucking good. But I wasn't crazy enough to go further, yet at least. 

"Look! Don't you want to do that? Try it!" I handed him the razor blade, knowing fully well he wouldn't do it because he's a fucking coward. 

"You're a disgusting, crazy boy. You're not my son." He gave me one last slap and then walked out the room. As quickly as it came, all my energy and confidence disappeared. I slumped down on the floor, the pain suddenly coming back. What the fuck just happened to me? 

I stared at my arm, the cut oozing blood. I blinked away the tears, did I really just do that? This... this isn't good. I tore my eyes away from the sight, feeling strange and weird. 


Dream: Hi, how are you?

Wilbur: I'm good, you?

Dream: I'm great! Can you come to your window? I have something to show you.

Wilbur: Uh sure. 

I looked out the window and saw Dream. I saw his face fall into horror, concern, and then confusion. 

Dream: What tf happened to your face? Why do you have red marking and a black eye? 

Fuck. Now what do I say? I can't just say 'Yeah, so my dad's a bitch and he hits me a lot, and I self harmed today. But it's okay <3' I scoffed at that, even sounds stupid in my head. He probably wouldn't believe me.

Dream: Wilbur? I know you saw this message.

Wilbur: Oh

Wilbur: I got ganged up on when going to the store today. 

Dream: WHAT

Wilbur: Yeah, I got away with no major injuries though.

Dream: Are you okay?

My heart warmed and fluttered at that. 

Wilbur: Yeah

Dream: Tell me if you need anything, yeah?

Wilbur: Okay :)

Wilbur: What did you want to show me?

I looked back up and saw that Dream was holding up a book with a smile on his face. 

Dream: 'Prison Break' by Awesamdude. I know you really like the SMP stories, so I got the book you said you wanted. 

Wilbur: holy shit

Wilbur: what the fuck, you didn't have to do that!

Dream: I wanted to! I wanted to see you smile :)

I blushed and groaned. God damn it, he knows what he's doing.

Wilbur: fuck you

Wilbur: but also thank you

Dream: I'm heading over to give this right now. 

I panicked. He can't know that I've been talking to Dream! He'd beat me up again!

Wilbur: There's no need for that

Dream: why?

Wilbur: my father doesn't approve of that book series

Dream: oh

Dream: I'll just go over and ask if I can hang out with you and give it to you then

Wilbur: wait

Wilbur: no

Wilbur: DREAM


My heart hammered as his profile went offline. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! That's when I heard the doorbell ring and my heart dropped. He went out of his room and opened the front door. I heard Dream's voice. 

"Hi! I was wondering if Wilbur was free today? I want to hang out with him as I haven't talked to him for days and days." I let out a breath of relief. Why is Dream lying? Does he know that I'm keeping our conversations a secret?

"Of course. I'll grab my son for you." My eyes widened in shock, what the fuck is happening? He's letting me out? WITH DREAM? I quickly ran to my desk and pretended I was cleaning it even though it looks perfectly fine. 

He opened my door and closed it. I looked up and gulped, he looked angry. "Look here boy. You're going out with your little crush. But let me make a few things clear. You are NOT allowed to talk to him after tonight, you are NOT allowed to make any romantic gestures, and you are not to tell him anything that goes on in this house. Understood?" I let out a shaky breath, "Yes sir." 

"Good. Look presentable and go downstairs." I nodded quickly and started to get an outfit ready. 


I saw Dream at the door and he smiled and waved at me. It made my insides turn, I haven't seen him close up yet. Once the door was closed, he grabbed my hand. "You're even cuter close up." He laughed at my flushed face and dragged me somewhere that I didn't know. "Where are we going?" "You'll see, just follow me. I want to make the best of our night together."


1086 words. Next chapter will be about their date and will be cute. 

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