Chapter 2

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TW: Little bit of social anxiety, homophobia.

Dream POV

"Dream! Come down honey, we're going to meet our new neighbours!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I opened my eyes, groaning as my back ached. Had I really fallen asleep? I stood up and stretched before looking at myself through the reflection in the window. I thought I could see a boy sleeping on his bed next door. Huh, this is kind of cool. I'm able to see him! I shrugged. I fixed my hair a little bit. 

"Dream!" I heard my mom shout. "I'm coming! Give me a few seconds!" I fixed my appearance a bit before coming downstairs. Drista impatiently tapped her foot, "What took you so long?" I rolled my eyes at her, "I was fixing my hair a bit. Let's go." My dad grabbed the homemade muffins and headed out. As we neared the house, nervousness started to pool in my stomach. I wiped my clammy hands on my pants as we rang the doorbell.

A burly man opened the door. "Hello? What do you need." He asked in a gruff tone. I nervously put a smile on my face as he talked. Remember, look relaxed. Always smile and make eye contact with the person talking to you. I ran the words through my head, taking deep breaths as I went. Drista grabbed my arms and squeezed it reassuringly, knowing that I was nervous. 

"Hello! We just moved in next door. We wanted to come and meet you!" My mom said. The man locked eyes with me. I gulped nervously, did I do something wrong? I clenched my fists. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. It was almost a challenging look. Fight me bitch.

He finally looked away, "Really? It's very nice to meet you. Let me call my son." My father smiled warmly, "Of course!" The boy through the window? "Come down!" He shouted. A few moments later, a cute boy came down the stairs. He looked really nervous and scared. When he saw us his face turned from relief, fear, and then confusion.

"This is Wilbur. Wilbur, these are the new neighbours." He said, pointing to Wilbur. Cute name. I looked at him. He had curly brown hair that I wanted to touch and really pretty brown eyes. His shy manner was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He was staring at me and it was making me kind of nervous. Does he not like me? I smiled at him and waved, hoping he'd wave back. I thought I saw his cheeks go pink as he waved back shyly. Huh. He's cute when he's flustered- wait what? 

I looked away and blushed at the thought. The fuck is wrong with me? My mother looked at Wilbur, "Hi! My son is Dream and my daughter is Drista. We've just moved in, but because you're our new neighbours, we brought you guys some muffins! Drista baked them herself." Wilbur's father took the tray from my mother. "Thank you. I'm sure we'll enjoy them." 

"Well, we have a lot of packing to do, but we'll see you around!" I looked back at Wilbur, I'd like to be friends with him. Wilbur caught my stare and turned red again. Embarrassed, I looked away as my cheeks burned. His father closed the door, denying me the sight of his beautiful son. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as we walked back to the house. "Whew! That was stressful." I said. Drista seemed oddly quiet. 

"Drista? You good?" I asked as my parents started unpacking more boxes. "Yeah. Just thinking about how you looked at a boy and decided that you like him. Didn't realize you were that desperate." 

I flushed, "What?! I did not!" Drista just sighed and went upstairs to her room, "Yeah yeah. I'm going to go and unpack my boxes, you should do the same." 


"Bro, you're telling me you like your new neighbour." Sapnap's voice said from my phone. I sighed as I put down my rug. "I don't know man. I looked at him and my first thought was that he was cute. Is that just me being nice, or does that mean I like him." 

I could hear the smirk in his voice as he said, "I hope you realize you're talking to someone who has zero experience with dating." I scowled, "You say as you're dating Quackity and Karl." 

"Dude, have you seen us? We have no fucking clue what we're doing." I laughed at that and he joined me. "I guess." I looked through the window and saw Wilbur organizing his desk. 

"Oh yeah. The window I have can see clearly through Wilbur's window. He's cleaning his desk right now." I said. Wilbur looked up and saw me. I waved and he looked away. I blinked, confused and hurt. 

"Stop staring at him! That's creepy as fuck." Sapnap said. I tore my eyes away and taped my poster to the wall. "Well, I have to unpack the boxes that I've been putting off. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" I heard Sapnap yawn, "Kay man, see you." 


Wilbur POV

I went back to my room after what had just happened. Lying on my bed, I replayed the scenes that had just happened. I was sleeping and then he called me downstairs. Then I met my really hot, attractive, kind, sexy- Stop stop stop. You can't like a fucking guy! That's against the rules. Get in line. 

I sighed. I need to take my mind off of this. What can I do that's not loud? I looked around my room. Then my eyes locked on my messy ass desk. Might as well. 

I reorganized my books, sorting them by genre. I looked up to see Dream looking at me through my window. He waved at me, giving me his stupidly hot smile. I immediately looked away. Nope, this is not helping with my situation at all. Look away, pretend you're not interested even though you would totally kiss him right now. 

I purposely took my time organizing my desk. When I looked up again, I saw that Dream was unpacking his boxes and paying no attention to me anymore. Even though that's what I wanted, I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed. 


1056 words. I'm actually excited to write this book. Please comment, it makes me smile :)

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