Erik Durm #1

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This is my first imagine so if it's bad sorry but yeah :)


My brother Xavier bought us tickets to go and watch Borussia Dortmund vs VFL Wolfsburg. I couldn't wait to go and watch the game at Westfalenstadion. We've supported Borussia Dortmund since we were little kids and today I'd finally go and watch them play at their home stadium instead of on TV.

I looked through my wardrobe and found my Dortmund jersey, black and yellow with 'Reus' on the back. I also found some blue jeans so I decided to wear them too with some red converse. I looked in the mirror and I was ready.

"Y/N," Xavier shouted, "Are you ready we need to leave!"

"Yes Xav, gimme a minute and I'll be down." I grabbed your phone and handbag and walked down the stairs. "Who's driving then?" I asked.

I got in the passenger seat of my red Ford and Xavier got in the drivers seat. He started driving off, the car journey wasn't very exciting, it was silence apart from the radio playing.

15 minutes later we got to the stadium. Xavier gave me my ticket and we walked in and found our seats - right at the front on the side. It was an astonishing view. The Dortmund players then came out onto the pitch and started warming up. There was this one player who caught my eye. The number 37. He has blond hair and green eyes, I must say he was very handsome.

My brother noticed me staring and said, "Ooooh does my sister fancy a football player! I see you've got your eye on Durm,"

"Shut up," I said to Xavier, "What did you say his name was again?"

"I knew it!" Xav done a little happy dance, "his name is Erik Durm, surely you should know that since you're a Dortmund fan. Anyway he plays in Defence so I'd make sure to keep your eyes at that end of the pitch," he pointed at the opposite goal.

"Thanks I guess, anyway the games about to start," I replied.

You both watched the game intensely for the 90 minutes. It ended up 3-1 to Dortmund. In the 27' minute Reus scored, and again in the 43' minute. Then Schürrle managed to score for Wolfspurg in the 73' minute but luckily Durm had scored in the 86' minute so keep the lead as high as possible. You noticed that when Durm had scored, while he celebrated you both made eye contact, he looked at you for about 6 seconds and then back to his teammates.

Most of the Dortmund and Wolfspurg fans had left the stadium by now but I wanted to quickly get some pictures to post onto Instagram. After about 15 minutes Xavier and I went back outside the stadium, Xavier was looking for your car when I noticed a tap on the shoulder. My eyes immediately noticed that Durm was standing beside you. He seemed pretty out of breath, he must of just ran out of the changing rooms.

"Hey," he said, "I saw you earlier and I must admit you look nice but I'd love to know a bit more about you, sorry if the person you were with is your partner but I was wondering if we could meet you sometime?"

I was so shocked, has the Durm just asked me out? "Yeah sure I'd love to and no that's not my partner, that's my brother haha. My name is y/n by the way, should I give you my number or something?"

"Yeah that would be great y/n," he replied, I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. He smiled, "I'll text you in a bit but I better get back to the team or they will be wondering where I am! See you around," and he walked back.

I noticed your brother had his mouth wide open and was staring at you, "Wait y/n did you just talk to Durm? What happened tell me everything!"

"Right yes, so basically I was standing there and he came up to me and told me he wanted to get to know me so I gave him my number and then he had to go back to his team," you replied as you both got in the car.

I heard your phone go off in your pocket as I picked it up and saw I had a new message,

Hey beautiful, ❤
Do you wanna grab some coffee with me tomorrow at 11.30? If your busy don't worry but if not then text me your address and I'll pick you up tomorrow.
From Erik x

"Well," I said, "It looks like I have a date tomorrow with Durm, wish me luck!"


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote if you liked it and leave a comment about what you liked and what I could improve on. Thanks :)

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