Marco Reus #3 - Part 2

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That night I will never forget. 21st January 2009. The day I met the love of my life.

It wasn't easy. We fell in love, we would meet in secret. Mario didn't know. We was scared about telling him since we didn't want to break any friendships.

After a couple of months we ended up telling Mario, well we didn't tell him, he found out. He was okay with it. At the start he didn't really like it, but he grew to like it.

A year after Mario found out, Marco and I got married. With Mario of course being the best man.

I couldn't of imagined a better wedding with the people I love.

After our wedding, I fell pregnant. With our first child, Benjamin. He made us grow up a bit, we now had responsibilities. But we loved every second of it.

We decided to have a second child. We called him Lukas.

Benja looked like me, whereas Lukas looked like Marco.

Marco Reus, the love of my life.



I have one week of school left and then it will finally be the summer holidays!!! And then at the end of the summer holidays it's my birthday!!

I told you all I had tests a few weeks ago, well I did really well! I am top of the year for nearly everything! :D

Next week I am going to Thorpe Park which I am soooo excited for! (If you don't live in England you probably won't know what it is so google it if you're interested)

Thanks for reading!
- Em :)

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