Hachim Mastour #1

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Imagine for HachimsBae :)


As I laid in bed, I received a text from my best friend, Hachim.

Are you available today? I was thinking we could go out and do something? - H x

I'm free. Sure sounds good :)

I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, be ready!

I looked through my clothes looking for something comfortable to wear. I found some jeans and a pink top.

I was excited to go somewhere with Hachim. We had always been great friends. I've liked him for a while though, I doubt he feels the same way, so I don't mention about it.

Time had passed, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to reveal Hachim in a blue Nike top and Nike shorts.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head and followed him into the car.

"So what are we doing?" I asked him.

"I was thinking we could go and play some bowling, and then grab some chips to eat," he replied.

"Sounds good. But get ready to be smashed at bowling," I said cheekily.

"I think you'll find it's the other way round," he laughed.

"We'll see about that," I replied.

We soon arrived at the bowling place. We walked in and went over to the desk. So that we could pay and then get our shoes. The man gave us the bowling shoes and then told us we was in lane 6. We then went to order drinks.

"Get ready to lose," Hachim said, picking up the ball.

He then got a strike.

"Told you so!" He said, smiling.

"Alright, alright! You've only had one go so far," I said.

I then picked up the ball and knocked over 9 pins.

"I told you I'm better!" Hachim said.

I then finished my go, by knocking down the last pin and getting a spare.

Hachim - 10 / STRIKE

Nika - 10 / SPARE

We then had 8 more goes each.

Hachim - 6

Nika - 8

Hachim - 7

Nika - 6

Hachim - 10 / SPARE

Nika - 5

Hachim - 8

Nika - 10 / STRIKE

Hachim - 8

Nika - 9

Hachim - 9

Nika - 8

Hachim - 4

Nika - 5

Hachim - 9

Nika - 9

The game ended. Hachim got 71 points and I got 70 points.

"I beat you!" Hachim exclaimed.

"Yes you did, by one point," I replied.

"I still won!" He exclaimed.

"What do you want to do now?" He then asked.

"We could go and get a drink somewhere," I replied.

"Okay," he said, while walking to his car.

We drove to a nice place that was a few minutes away.

Hachim then ordered drinks and bought them over to the table.

"Umm, I need to tell you something," he said, rather quickly.

"What is it," I said, smiling.

"I like you, more than a friend," he blurted out.

I smiled. "I do too,"

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Hachim said, then kissing me.

It was only a small kiss, but it was something I had wanted for years. It felt great, even if it only lasted a couple of seconds.


Hope you liked it! :)

At the end of each chapter I'm going to ask a question and i'll answer it, and then you can comment your own answer. I would like to know my readers better!

Q - What team would you like to win the Champions League 15/16 ?

A - Barcelona 🔵🔴

What's your answer?

Thanks for reading!
- Em :)

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