Neymar Jr #2

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Imagine for thewalkingfutbol


"I'm leaving you," I said, as Neymar walked into the door.

Neymar froze. Looked confused.

"What's up?" He said, slowly.

"I've seen all of those videos of you and Meghan, all you did was flirt! I wouldn't be surprised if you kissed her," I replied.

"It's not what it looks like Morgan! I was just being friendly, nothing else ever happened!" He exclaimed.

"This is stupid," he mumbled, under his breath.

"Save explaining for later," I said, walking out the door.

Why did I just do that? I questioned myself. Jealousy? Did I not trust him?

I walked to my friend Harmony's house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"Hey Morgan! Umm why do you look so pale?" She asked.

"Hi, and well I kind of broke it of with Neymar," I replied.

"What?" She said, utterly confused.

"You two were perfect for each other! What happened?" She asked.

"I may of been over reacting, but I saw pictures with him and Meghan Rapinoe and it looked like they were flirting a lot. I guess I could trust him," I replied.

"You have a serious case of jealousy," she replied.

I nodded my head.

"Why are you still sitting here for? Go back and apologise for over-reacting!" She said.

"Fine," I replied.

Harmony and I walked back over to Neymar's house.

She knocked on the door, a slightly red faced Neymar opened the door.

"Hello?" He said, a big shocked.

"Morgan, would like to speak to you," she said.

"Sure come in," he muttered.

"I'm so pathetic," I said.

"I over reacted - I was jealous. I do trust you, and I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he replied, with a smile.


Hope you like it!

I forgot to ask a question at the end of last imagine so I'll ask one now :)

Q - Do you like rollercoasters? And if so, what is your favourite that you have been on?

A - I LOVE rollercoasters! My favourite has to be either Shambhala at PortAventura or SAW - The Ride at Thorpe Park

What about you?

Thanks for reading!
- Em

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