Oscar Emboaba #3

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Imagine for loveyouhere  :)
Hope you enjoy!


Today Oscar had no training, which meant we could have a proper day out. We hadn't planned anything though.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked him.

"I don't mind really. There's a summer fair if you want to go to that, it had small rides. It looks quite fun," he said.

"Sure we can go there, what time does it open?" I asked.

"An hour ago, we can go now if you want," he replied.

I grabbed my purse, phone and sunglasses and headed for the door.

"Ready?" I asked.

Oscar nodded his head as he got into the drivers seat of the car.

The drive to the fair didn't take long, about 15 minutes. It wasn't too busy either.

"What do you wanna do first then?" Oscar asked.

"I wanna see if you are any good at that strength hammer over there," I replied.

"I'll only do it if you do it too," he said.

"Okay, but you're going first," I replied.

"Fine," he chatted. He walked over and paid the money.

He then picked up the hammer, and slammed it on the button.

"Not strong enough!" The machine said.

"What? How? I'm a grown man and 10 year old children can do this!" Oscar exclaimed.

"Haha, too bad, let me try now," I said.

I took the hammer and hit it against the button.

"Well done! You have completed the strength challenge!" The machine said.

"That's how you do it!" I said, laughing.

"You can pick any prize," The man that was running the machine said.

"Thank you, I'll take that please," I said pointing to an inflatable hammer.

"There you go," The man said, handing us the hammer. "Have a good day!"

As we walked off, Oscar said, "Why out of all the possible prizes, did you choose an inflatable hammer?"

"So I could do this," I said, with a cheeky grin. I then hit him with the hammer.

"I'm gonna get you back for that!" He said, tickling me.

He then stopped tickling me, and said. "Actually, I know a better way to get you back,"

"And what is that Oscar Dos Santos Emboaba Junior?" I replied.

"I'm making you go on those waltzers," he said, pointing towards them.

* if you don't know what Waltzers are, it's a ride where you sit in a semi circle and then you spin around while the cart is also moving in a circle. I'm not very good at explaining, if you want then watch this clip of it - it's not my video! https://youtu.be/468nHzodhBs *

"But I hate spinning around!" I whined.

"It's revenge!" He said.

"Ugh fine," I replied.

He dragged me over to the ride and we queued up. After about 30 seconds, the ride was ready for us to get on. The instructor guided us over to our seats and then strapped us in.

After about a minute we started going round.

"This isn't too bad," I said.

"You wait for it," Oscar said.

"Faster please!" Oscar shouted to the instructors.

As we past the people running it, they pushed us faster.

"Okay I take it back, this is dreadful," I said.

Oscar laughed while looking at me, "It's not that bad!"

The ride then stopped and we could finally get off.

"That was terrible, I feel like I'm going to be sick now," I chatted.

We then sat down to take a break. Time was going fast and it was getting later and later.

"How about I have a go on that football machine over there and then we both go on that ride next to it. After that we can go home?" Oscar said.

"Sounds like a good plan," I replied. "I think this fair will shut in about 30 minutes anyway,"

We walked over to the football machine. The man running it told us that we had three footballs, which meant we had three chances to score in the goal, while the 2 plastic goalkeepers are moving along the goal. Making it harder to score. If you get one or two footballs in, you get a small prize; and if you get all three in, you get a big prize.

"I may not have been able to complete the strength hammer, but I'll do this one!" He said.

"Well I do hope so, football is your job!" I replied, laughing.

Oscar managed to shoot all three into the back of the net successfully, which resulted in him winning a massive teddy bear.

"Lets go on that ride then!" I said, smiling.

It was called "No Fear" - a row of seats that go, continuously up and round in a circular direction, it didn't look too bad!

* video if you would like to watch - not my clip! https://youtu.be/5zLUC0Fdr2k *

We sat in our seats and waited for the ride to start.

The ride wasn't too bad, the bit that made it bad was the fact it made your stomach turn, which made me grip tight onto Oscar's hand everytime it went the full way around.

"Well that was worse than the waltzers," Oscar exclaimed.

We then drove home. It was a nice day out with Oscar, even if the rides were not what I'd usually enjoy, anything with Oscar turned out to be fun.


I really enjoyed writing this imagine! I love funfair's haha xD I actually like all of the rides! I'm going to one tomorrow 😃

Thanks for reading!
- Em :)

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