I didnt do it: Part one

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The story doesnt follow by the story line of the show for long! Its only at the begining! I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do writing it <3


"Somebody's gotta go down and check this thing out. Unless one of you three can top being Hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it's gotta be me, no complaints." Steve says while removing clothing.

"No! Steve there's no way I'm letting you go by yo-" Steve cuts me off before I can even get the sentence out. I don't know what he's thinking about doing this alone. "Atlas, I said no complaints" Steve stands up on the boat and takes a dive in to find the underwater-gate. Time passes, and Steve finally returns to the surface. "Hey guys, I think I found it " He says while catching his breath. "How can we get in!?" Nancy exclaimed.

"Well i thin-" Steve gets cut off by something dragging him underwater

"Steve!" We all start to panic.

Steve pops back up to the surface one last time before getting drug to the underwater-gate.

"Wait here and be careful" Nancy stood up and dove in after steve. This is starting to get insane, I'm now on a boat with Eddie...Eddie Munson. Did I mention he's currently wanted for murder?

Well at least everyone thinks he killed Chrissy...I don't know much but Dustin said that Eddie is innocent and this gate we are looking for is where this...thing, That killed Chrissy supposedly stays. Well if he is a murderer, looks like Im next.

I sit there debating if I should go down there with them, what if they're in really big trouble? I start fidgeting with my rings with my head down and contemplating what to do. With my head still down I slightly look up just to see what Eddie is doing. He's just sitting there tapping the boat with one finger. He looks so annoyed, I don't really blame him, I am too. He swiftly turns his head and his eyes meet mine. I turned my eyes back down to my hands, it felt as if my heart jumped out my chest for a split second.

"Byers? Right?"

I respond with a nod, do I seem rude? I have no clue who Eddie is and what he's capable of. I stand up and lean on the side of the boat to jump in.

"Hell no you're not going to,I was told only Harington was." Eddie says as he grabs my arm to pull me back. I let out a shriek and pulled away causing me to fall back into the boat.

"Shit!" I hit my head on the side of the boat on the way down.

"I'm so sorry I didn't-...are you okay" Eddie says while holding a flashlight up checking to see if anything was bleeding. I flinch when Eddie gets closer.

"Hey it's alright, i don't see any blood I think you'll just have a knot" Eddie's voice has a kinda calming tone to it. I lock eyes with him, I still don't trust him. I sit back onto one of the seats and whisper "thank you"

He has a confused look on his face. The sound of crickets fills the empty silence, until he says "you don't think I did it do you?"

 The sound of crickets fills the empty silence, until he says "you don't think I did it do you?"

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What should I say? I just look up into the sky trying to collect my words. "Dustin said you're a good guy..." I nervously say

"Look I don't know what jason got into your head but...Chrissy was just buying drugs from me, I know I know it doesn't sound like her but trust me, she was seeing things, and whatever the hell is in that gate...definitely...killed her" Eddie looks down and puts his hand over his face.

He was clearly upset...genuinely upset.

"Hey hey, it's okay. I believe you" I tilt his head up and his eyes are glassy,
wow, they're beautiful.

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