We got a problem: Part Two

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TW:language, gore

Reality kicked back in and I realized they've been gone for too long. "Eddie we need to go down there now it's been too long."
"Are you serious? No. never." Of course Eddie said no. Oh well I have to make sure they're okay.
"Okay, have fun up here alone then" I jumped in and swam toward the gate, it pulled me into the upside down

I looked around in disbelief. I hear yelling in the distance. Oh no it's steve...and nancy! I start sprinting to the yelling then hear Eddie come in behind me.
"Eddie! Over here! I hear them." I shout from a far. We ran over there. Steve is getting attacked!

"Dammit Harrington!" Eddie ran up and smashed one of the demobats heads with an ore from the boat. Me and Nancy are standing back to back hitting these bats that won't stop coming. "Nancy what the hell happened here" I shouted over the roaring thunder.
"No one knows, but whatever it is we have to defeat it" She shouted back.

Eddie and Steve run up to us "we gotta go right now, I mean right now"

Steve is bleeding really bad from his stomach. And blood is running down Eddie's arm, he got bit too. "They're both hurt, we need to get them somewhere safer" I said unhesitatingly while pulling Steve and Eddie closer to a tree for more protection.
I tell Nancy to wrap her jacket around Steve's waist as I take mine off to wrap around Eddie's arm.

"Ow" Eddie hisses. "I'm so sorry, I have to stop the bleeding, okay." I look up from Eddie's arm and meet his gaze, he's just staring at me. He lets out a small smile letting me know he feels better than before.

I think he's starting to grow on me. He's not as scary as everyone makes him seem, honestly I don't think he's scary at all.

“We all can go to my trailer, it's not too far from the lake” Eddie says motioning his thumb to point behind him

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“We all can go to my trailer, it's not too far from the lake” Eddie says motioning his thumb to point behind him.
“I can drive” Nancy said while putting more pressure on Steve’s stomach and he groaned. “I'm sorry!”  
We walked towards a gate eventually getting to Steve's car. Nancy asked if I could stay with Eddie long enough to make sure he has no other wounds so she drops the both of us off at Eddie's trailer.

We walk up to the door and Eddie opens it and motions for me to go in first. I let out a giggle under my breath “Why thank you kind sir” I said as I bowed. 
Eddie scoffed and said “You know you don't have to do this, you've already helped me enough.” 

“Yeah I know but I don't have anything better to do, you need to go get cleaned up.” I replied 
Time passes and Eddie comes out of the bathroom with wet hair and a fresh hellfire shirt and a pair of sweats on. 

Holy shit. He looks great. 

I stand there still just staring then I'm awoken from my trance by Eddie  “hello…Atlas?...hey!” I jump and I can feel my face getting hot from embarrassment. 

“Oh…sorry, here let me bandage up your arm” 

He stands against the counter as I wrap up his arm. “How's it feeling?” I ask while looking up at him. “I've felt worse I guess, at least I have company for once…” He says as his smile slowly fades. It made my heart ache watching his head fall and his hair cover his face…his damn hair. He’s alone, clearly everyone hates him, he has no one. 

“I know how it feels…you're not alone Eddie” Me saying that causes his head to rise, he lets out a slight smile and a tear comes to his eye. “Thank you” he whispers. 

“Of course…Oh shit! It's getting late I need to get going before my aunt flips…you know how Joyce is, she's a worrier” I laugh and put the rest of the bandages back and walk towards the door

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“Of course…Oh shit! It's getting late I need to get going before my aunt flips…you know how Joyce is, she's a worrier” I laugh and put the rest of the bandages back and walk towards the door. As I’m unlocking the door a hand grabs my wrist, it’s Eddie “Please don't go…can you at least stay a little longer” 

I hesitate. I then say “Oh, okay, sure I have no problem with that” 

Eddie starts a movie and we sit on his couch. “Friday the 13th? Eddie Munson I'll admit you have taste.” I shake my head in approval and Eddie leans back and puts one arm on the couch while looking over at me. “Uhm, duh” he says in a cocky voice. 
Midway into the movie I look over and Eddie is out of this world. I still can't get those words out of my head “at least I have company for once” a tear comes to my eye while watching him sleep. His chest is slowly moving up and down, he looks so peaceful.

I look back at the TV and then after time goes by I accidentally drift off to sleep.

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