Im crystal clear: Part eight

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Tomorrow is finals and I'm already stressed out enough. I finish up my class and walk into the cafeteria. All I can hear are mixed conversations from people all over the room. I'm still not that hungry but I have to eat.

As I'm getting my food I hear a familiar voice. It sounds like Eddie! I look around the cafeteria and see him. He's messing around with his friends and he looks adorable. 

Holy shit! Its really him!

I start walking over to the table and Eddie spots me

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I start walking over to the table and Eddie spots me. He gets up and runs up to me picking me up off my feet and spinning me in the air. “Put me down” I laugh. He puts me down and as we are walking he says. “Now everyone knows I didn't kill Chrissy, My name is crystal clear.”

We go sit at the table. Gareth looks up at me and Eddie and says “Are you two a thing?” 
Me and Eddie look at eachother then back at Gareth and at the same time I say “no” and he says “yes.” I'm stunned. Did Eddie just say we were…a thing? He’s never even asked me out.

He throws his spoon down and says “I guess not.” Then he gets up and walks away from the table. 

I chase him into the halls “Eddie” “Come on Eddie” I keep saying. Eventually I've had enough. 

I blurted out “Dammit Edward can you just listen to me!” 

He spins around and yells “Dont fucking call me that!” 

My body goes limp at the sound of how angry he is with me. I fall, grabbing onto the wall but he grabs me before I hit the floor. 
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to...I just…thought we were something special.” He said in an apologetic voice. 

“Eddie, you never asked me out, how was I supposed to know?” I saw the look in his eyes, he knew what he should have done the night of the party.
He then says “Let me make it up to you. Meet me by the lake at 7” He kisses my forehead and we walk to our classes. 

After a long day of school I'm finally home. The clock Hits 6:45 and I rush to do my makeup and throw on a black pair of ripped jeans and an old Pantera band tee. I threw on my black and white converse that had little doodles all around the outer soul. I looked at myself in the mirror…gosh I remind myself alot of Eddie, it's nice having someone so similar. 

I got to the lake and I saw a blanket, but what made it even better was seeing Eddie Munson sitting on the blanket with a basket setting up drinks and food.
I walk up and he looks at me, but I've never seen this kind of look before.
“What Ed’s?” I ask as I tilt my head and sit down beside him. 

“Nothing…you're just so beautiful” 

My heart jumps out of my chest and I can feel my face getting warm. I smile and sit down. He kisses my cheek and it feels as if every problem went away. 

As we were sitting in the light from the setting sun he turns to me and ask me “Atlas can i ask you something” 

My heart drops. He's going to ask, isn't he. I just play it cool and say “Yeah whats up” 

He looks at the ground then back at me and proceeds to say “I really do like you…Alot, and ever since that day on the boat I knew I liked you, everything about you is perfect…I mean look at you…Atlas, will you be my girlfriend?” 

I jump into his arms and give him the tightest hug ever “Of course Eddie, I'd love to” 

I can feel his chest go down as he lets out the breath he was holding. 

We watch the sun set and eat. His hand in mine and our eyes on the sky.
Time goes by like there's no tomorrow.
He turns to me and says “I'll drive you home, you don't need to be walking alone in the dark.” 

He drops me off at my house and kisses me on my head “Thank you for tonight eddie, i had a great time.” I said.  He smiled and said “Me too, get some rest. Tomorrow's the big day!” I nod and he starts to walk off. 

“Eddie?” I softly say.

“Yes?”he replies.

“Can you stay tonight, My aunt won't be home till tomorrow.” I hope he will stay, I could really use the company. 

“Of course Atlas,” He smiles. 

We go inside and lay down. I guess he thought I was sleeping because he kissed my head and said “Goodnight sweetheart.” I pull him closer and within seconds we are both passed out. 

My alarm goes off Startling the both of us

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My alarm goes off Startling the both of us. We jump up, throw clothes on and head out the door. Eddie drives us to school while I sleep most of the way.

We arrive and he taps my shoulder. I wake up and he tells me we’re here. 

Off to our classes we go. Let's hope we both get to graduate.  

I sit there tapping my pencil on my desk waiting and watching the clock go by. I need to know how Eddie did. I know I did fine, I'm just worried about him. I can't let him fail another year. 

The bell rings and I'm the first to get my bag and run to the hallway.
I look around mine and Eddie's eyes meet from opposite sides of the hall. We ran up to each other and I asked “How'd you do!?” 

He looked down at the ground..oh no, not this year too. 

He then looked back up with the biggest smile I've ever since and said “86 baby!I did it… 86!”

I give him a hug as my eyes turn glassy. I whisper “I knew you had it…I'm so proud.” I can't believe it.

Graduation here we come!

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