I wish... :Part four

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I meet Joyce’s eyes as she's marching down the hall and my eyes widen. “Auntie, I can explain” I exclaimed in a fearful voice. Now I’m going to have to explain everything and still go through a 3 hour lecture. This is going to be sooo fun. 

“Explain!? I was up all night worried about you, you could have at least given me a call.” she said as she talked with her hands, like usual. Then all of a sudden she stops. Oh goodness. She's looking at Eddie's jacket.
“Whose is that? Do you have a boyfriend? She questions. 

“No! No, It's…Eddies. It's not what you're thinking though I just messed mine up so he lended me his…it's no big deal.” I say as my head drops. 
Part of me is still suspicious about Eddie but the other part of me kinda wanted to answer Joyces question with a ‘yeah…it's Eddie’ I swear it's that damn hair and those…very beautiful eyes. Im cut off of daydreaming by Joyce.

“Oh my! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” She said in a panic-stricken way and wrapped her arms around me

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“Oh my! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” She said in a panic-stricken way and wrapped her arms around me. 

“What!? No, we just hung out with Steve and Nanc, Eddie’s not like that'' I sounded almost offended when I said that. I guess I’m just fed up with people thinking Eddie is someone he's not. 

“Oh okay I’m sorry, just with everything going on I-” 
I grab Joyce by the shoulders and look her dead in the eye with the most serious face I've ever looked at someone with and said “He didn't do it Joyce.” 

She looks at me with a shocked face and struggles to say “o-okay, I trust..you” 

Right as I let go the phone proceeds to ring. Joyce walks over and Picks the phone off the wall “Hello” she goes from looking at the wall to me and says “yeah, shes here” And waves me over. I walked over to her and she pulls the phone close to her chest and says “someone wants to talk to you” 
I give her a confused look and take the phone, I hold it up to my ear and hear “Hey Atlas!” The voice sounded like it was full of joy, It was Eddie. Once I realize it's him I go weak in the knees and run around the corner as far as the cord would let me.

“Hey Ed’s! Whats up” I cover my mouth realizing what I called him, shit, too soon to already start calling him nicknames?

I can hear on the other end that he laughs out a soft and quiet laugh, but clearly not quiet enough. 
“I’m coming to pick you up, we’re all meeting at skull rock. It's serious.” His tone went from happy to serious Swiftly. 

“Eddie, I don't know if my aunt will let me go'' I don't know if Joyce will trust me enough to come home. There's only one way to find out. 

“Auntie, I'm gonna meet up with some friends, is that alright?” I shout from around the corner.

I hear her let out a sigh. She's going to say no she has too-. Just then I hear the words “Atlas, please just be careful if you're going to stay out late call me you know it's not safe.” My face lights up with excitement and I turn back to the phone. “See you in 5?” 
I can hear Eddie's voice light up as well and it's as if I could almost hear him smiling…”5 it is, see you then Byers.” 

5 minutes go by and I hear music coming from outside. I look out the window and me and Eddie make eye contact and he waves me to come on. I run past Joyce and give her a hug “I'll be home before midnight, I'll call you if there's any change of plans.” I bolt out the door and shout “love you!” and run to Eddie's van.
I hop in and he looks at me. 
“It looks great on you.” He smiles. I looked at him with a confused face then realized. I still have Eddie's jacket on! 

 I still have Eddie's jacket on! 

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“Thank you” I breathe. Butterflies have filled my stomach.

He looks behind him and backs out of the drive.

Off to skull rock we go.

The Devils Bride [Eddie Munson]Where stories live. Discover now