Chapter 66: Paranoia

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"No, no, no! I-I didn't do it!" The imposter pleaded, backing up frantically through the tunnel. "Aurora, please! It's me, Vaskr!"

"You thought you could break into my den and pretend that nothing happened?!" I seethed, advancing on the vile Scoot with deadly claws and teeth. "I remember what you said and did! Do I look broken now?! Huh? Do I look weak and worthless?!" My core might be too sore to use after how much magic I expended earlier, but that didn't make me helpless. I still had my claws and teeth, which would be enough to help me finish the job.

After I awakened and saw Myrkr's condition and only two other dragons in the room with me, it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. That Scoot was trying to trick me again; it had beaten Myrkr, stolen my egg, and had the nerve to use my brother's and his friend's appearances to find another weakness! No one other than Nana Astra dared to enter the same room as my nest, so I knew this was a trick!

"What?! I-I never—"

"Oh, yes, you just love watching me suffer, don't you?! That's all you're good for! I know who you really are, and I'm not falling for it!" I lunged, claws out, but he ducked and scrambled back even faster, receiving only a nick on the ear. "I will show you who's broken! I will make you suffer for what you did to me! You will pay!"

"I'm your brother!" He whined. "Please, just listen—"

"You are not my brother," I snarled. "You are a monster that wants to take me away! Well, guess what, you bastard? I am never going back!" I struck once more, my claws coming so close that they only barely scraped off his face scales when he attempted to reel back again. He whimpered, face lightly bleeding, and retreated even faster as I clawed my way through the earthy tunnel to get in range, glaring murderously.

This time, I wouldn't let them escape; I would have my revenge! Those monsters had targeted my egg, beaten my mate into unconsciousness, and invaded my den again. I was tired of restraining myself. It was time to handle things myself, as the enemy clearly wasn't discouraged enough not to mess with my life. I was done being weak!

Unfortunately, the imposter was abruptly yanked backward with a startled yelp, disappearing around the corner. I snarled and gave pursuit, determined to catch that pathetic wretch at all costs. You aren't getting away that—

I froze at all the eyes on me once I'd poked out of the tunnel, including the imposter, who huddled away from me with the second one. I probably couldn't take on this many...

"Aurora." My eyes darted to a dragon that looked like Mom, who watched me cautiously. "We're all friendly here," she said carefully. "You remember us, don't you?" 

My eyes narrowed. Mom and Nana Astra lingered by the herb room, the latter actually inside it with someone else I could barely see, and Vaskr and Nibbler stayed to the right of it. At least, that's whom they all looked like. I knew better than that, but I was outnumbered. It would be foolish to provoke them all at once.

"It's us," Nana Astra added after a minute of silence, beginning to look uncomfortable. "Your family. You know us."

"I don't believe you," I finally replied venomously, scrutinizing her every movement. "Any of you. I won't be tricked again." The Scoots and their cursed god had deceived me one too many times. I refused to go back to that mountain, even if that meant fighting outnumbered in my current condition.

Mom lowered herself a bit, probably trying to appear non-threatening, but I didn't fall for it. "We're not tricking you—"

"And you expect me to believe that?" I scoffed, eyeing her hind legs for any sign of preparing to lunge. "I'm not a naive little—" A sliver of opaque purple poking out from just behind Mom's leg made my heart skip a beat. 

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