Chapter 21: Eternal Fire [Part 2]

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-Fair warning, this chapter will get dark—no pun intended. We all knew it wouldn't be pretty to live in a place like this... I'm gonna stop right there before I spoil anything. Enjoy!



Moon-cycles. It's been moon-cycles since Vaskr and Nibbler were taken—it was currently the hot-season. I eventually got tired of waiting and started making a projection of myself, meaning I could join the search and leave my real body behind with Astra and Shadow. Tonight, Astra finally allowed it only if I didn't stay out of my real body for too long at a time, and if I returned before the sun rose—it was oddly red now, which was more than disturbing—, under threat of paralysis. It was either I accepted, or I let Moon continue alone. My choice was obvious.

"Don't get my hopes up, Moon," I muttered bitterly, looking down into the dark hole. "If this is just another random hole you found to keep me motivated..." She already pulled that trick once.

"It isn't this time," Moon assured quietly. "Just wait." That was the third time she said to 'wait.' For some reason, she insisted on crouching next to this random hole halfway up the mountain. I had no patience for things that wasted valuable time. Vaskr could be killed any night now if he wasn't already dead, and hanging around a hole only lowered his chances of survival.

"We've been waiting for an hour," I growled. "I'm tired of waiting by a random hole for imaginary-" An agonized scream cut me off, its source originating from the hole. My eyes widened as the screaming stopped and started again, over and over. The sheer emotion in it sent chills down my spine.

Moon sighed solemnly. "This happens every night and day. I tried going down there before nightfall, but there is too much Forbidden magic. If Vaskr is still with the Scoots, then he's down there." She thought Vaskr was in that hole but didn't do anything about it?!

"Why didn't you go down?!" I hissed. "If he's in there, then he needs to get out!"

Moon gave me an unimpressed, irritated look. "If a single Scoot sees me, it's all over. They will know my location and instantly alert their master. He has countless, unquestioning minions to do his bidding. I have mortal followers that stand no chance against Scoots. Now, you tell me who would win; mortal followers or undying servants."

My anger rapidly wilted into shame. I knew the answer to that. "I'm sorry," I murmured, unable to meet her eye.

"They would overwhelm me in a matter of hours," she growled. "I'm powerful, but I can't fend off thousands of Scoots indefinitely. I care about my grandson, too, but I can't risk the entire world for anyone, not even Vaskr."

I stared helplessly into the dark hole, hearing the continued screams of torment echo from within. "We can't do anything, can we?" I whined. "He's doomed."

"Not quite. I can go down there, but I need your help to do it." Before I could ask how, she continued. "Lunar-Magic isn't actually magic, so it doesn't leave traces of itself behind like any other magic type does. If you can cover me in your Lunar-Magic to hide Soulmagic's traces, then the Scoots shouldn't be able to detect me when I'm invisible."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I warbled, fidgeting impatiently. "Let's go!"

"We need a distraction first," Moon murmured. "My idea is based on a theory, not a fact, so I'd rather wait for something to give us some breathing room." As if fate itself was smiling on us, the sound of numerous Scoots shrieking reverberated up through the dark hole, followed by a deep rumble that vibrated the stone we crouched upon. 

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