Chapter 23: Of Those Lost [Part 1]

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-Welcome to arc three, the final and longest arc in the story! We'll start it with something calmer; the family reunion. This chapter will have a bunch of POV swapping—marked with (^-^)—, but the POVs will only be one of three characters; Auroon, Stormfly, or Aurora. As I said before, this chapter is about the family's reunion, so it'll probably have a lot of feels and will definitely have a lot of thinking. 

Sorry about how late this update was. Now without further ado, enjoy!



My muscles burned, my lungs desperately sucked in air, my heart hammered in my chest, but none of that mattered. Lunar-Magic was consumed to push me past my physical limits. It hurt, but with every body-length, I was closer to Mom. With every body-length, I was closer to my big brother. That was all that mattered.

An instinct warned me that the white speck ahead was getting closer at a concerning rate; it went ignored. Mom's voice cut through the air a little louder than before, but her words were still lost to the roaring wind. I tucked my legs even closer to my body, flattened my ears, and narrowed my tail-fins, managing to push myself even faster. I squinted my eyes against the slicing wind as the world became a blur, rapidly advancing on Dad, who was still ahead of me. 

But not for long.

In mere seconds, I overtook Dad, faintly hearing his startled shout as I zipped past his left. Then, something strange happened. Pressure built up against my face, and, right before it became painful, it just... disappeared. A haze of white 'clouds' briefly consumed my vision, the air rushing around me felt very heavy, and an ear-shattering BOOM shook me to the core. All of that happened in a split second. 

The next thing I knew, my instincts were screaming danger. I felt myself tumbling out of control through the air, but my senses were so scrambled that I couldn't understand how to right myself. My head throbbed, my ears rang painfully, and my body was too tired to do anything but fall limply—regardless of if I was capable of a full thought or not. I was afraid, but I couldn't do anything. 

I collided with something. I wasn't sure if I'd hit the ocean or a rocky bit of land, but I could still breathe—or gasping for air, in this case. I hoped that if it was land, I didn't have any broken bones on impact. My spinning vision and light head didn't help matters-

I jolted awake, my eyes snapping open with fright. I was falling! I was-

Unfortunately, that earned me a dizzy spell that had my stomach rolling. I lurched and vomited the contents of my stomach, surprisingly not hearing it splatter on the ground—my still ringing ears might have something to do with that. I managed a weak moan before my gut squeezed again, forcing a bit of bile up as well. I took short pants of air, seemingly unable to get a full breath, as I hung limply from-

Wait, what?

I opened my eyes an inch, woozily waiting for my vision to settle down. A long expanse of ocean water slowly passed under me. Puzzled, I gingerly turned my trembling head to the right. A white leg pressed just behind my foreleg and held me under my chest; I could feel something similar to my left. That explained why I couldn't get a full breath. Was Mom carrying me? I struggled to lift my head to look, but my neck gave out and let my head drop like a rock.

I'd pushed myself too hard, I realized. I flew at my top speed, then used my magic to surpass that. Obviously, doing that put excessive strain on my body, and now, I was paying for that reckless decision. What was I thinking? I've never flown that fast before! I could've gotten myself killed, and Mom would be so-

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