hope gave me you part 1

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Nunew pov.

Hi I'm nunew , I have 2 best friends poppy and Nat , and I have a boyfriend named Tommy we've been dating for a year now. I attended college with Nat and poppy. everything was pretty much perfect, untill I walked in Tommy's apartment and seen poppy in bed with him.

Nunew walked in with a soup and medicine.

His smile dropped when he seen his best friend in bed with his boyfriend.

He stood their in shock not being able to move while tears starting building up.


9:30 am......


Nunew slowly sit up out of bed and rubbed his eyes.

He answered the call to see it was his best friend Nat.

Nat: hi nunew.

Nunew: hi Nat , what's up?

Nat: since we don't have class today wanna hang out?

Nunew: sure ,let me text Tommy and let him know I'll be with you for today.

Nat: ok great!

Nunew: oh is poppy coming?

Nat: no , he said he had to help his grandma with something and that he'll just meet us later.

Nunew: aww ok well I'll call Tommy now.

Nat: ok see u soon then bye.

Nunew hangs up to call Tommy.

Nunew calling Tommy.

Tommy: hello.

Nunew: hi babe , I was just letting you know that I'll be with Nat today.

Tommy: ok have fun then.

Nunew: I'll come see you after.

Tommy: no don't!

Nunew: why not?

Tommy: b-because I'm kinda sick right now and I don't want you to catch a cold.

Nunew: but I don't want you to be alone when ur sick. Nunew says sounding worried

Tommy: don't worry I'll be fine , I love you babe.

Nunew: I love you to babe. Get better soon.

Tommy: I will , bye now I'm gonna get some rest.

Tommy hangs up the phone.

Nunew pov.

I know he told me not to come over but I don't want him to be all alone , I think I'll bring him some soup over.

Nunew calling Nat.

Nat: hello nunew , I'm outside of ur dorm room. Nat says sounding exited.

Nunew: ok I'll be out in a minute.

Nunew hangs up and heads out the door.

Nunew: hi Nat!

Nat: hi nunew!

Nat and nunew hug each other.

Nunew: I'm sorry to do this but do you think we can hang out tomorrow instead , Tommy is sick and I want to bring him some soup over and make sure he's ok.

Nat: of course!! I know I wouldn't wann be alone while being sick.

Nunew: thanks for understanding Nat. Nunew says smiling at Nat.

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