hope gave me you. part 14🐻

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They arrived at the camp place. There was wooden cabins , and a bunch of other things to.

Nunew and Nat was exited. Nunew was still upset about zee but tried to not think about it as much.

Nat and nunew was sad because they wasn't in the same cabin.

Nat shared one with someone named yim and nunew shared one with someone named Tutor.

There was also a few more people sharing a cabin with them.

After nunew and Nat unpacked they met up with each other at the cafeteria place.

Tutor and yim also met up with them.

Tutor walked over to yim and kissed him on the lips.

Nat and nunew looked at each other confused.

Tutor: oh this is yim he's my boyfriend.

Yim: tutor this is Nat my cabin buddy.

Tutor: nunew is my cabin buddy.

Yim: do you two know each other?

Nat: oh yea me and nunew are best friends.

Yim: that's so cool. Maybe we can all hang out together then.

Nat: yes that sounds like fun.

Nunew nods. Tutor has his arm around yim's waist.

Tutor and yim smile at them. They talk for a few minutes.

Their camp counselor walks up to them

Camp counselor: which one of you are nunew and tutor?

Nunew and tutor step forward.

(Camp c stands for camp counselor).

Camp c: hi I'm your guys camp c.

Nunew: hello.

Tutor: hi.

Camp c: Well I'll be over there with the rest of your cabin mates if you need anything.

Tutor/nunew: krub. ( Krub means yes).

Tutor: me and yim are gonna go look around , we'll see you guys later then.

Nat: see you guys later then.

Nunew: yep for sure. Nunew says smiling.

Tutor and yim walk away to go look around.

Nat: so what should we do?

Nunew: well maybe we c-nunew gets cut off.

Camp c: hello , are you Nat?

Nat: uh yeah that's me why?

Camp c: I'm your camp counselor.

Nat: oh hi , nice to meet you.

Camp c: me and your other cabin mates was just going on a hike would you like to come?

Nat: oh that's ok , I'm going to stay here with my friend.

Nunew: I'll be fine , you should go. Nunew says giving him a smile.

Nat: are you sure?

Nunew: mhm , I'll probably go meet my cabin mates , have fun.

Nat: thanks. Nat says smiling.

Nat leaves with his camp c and cabin mates. Nunew walks around looking for his cabin mates

He see's them and walks up to them.

Nunew: hi I'm nunew , I'm your cabin mate.

🐻🦴👻🎃Side not: there are 5 people in 1 cabin.

Jerry: hi I'm Jerry. Jerry says smiling at nunew.

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