hope gave me you. part 10🔞

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Zeenunew and maxnat are going to swim with dolphins today. They all get up and get ready.

They are all exited to swim with dolphins. They pack some towels and extra clothes.

They all meet at the car and put their stuff in the car. Nunew sits in the back with Nat. Max is driving and zee is sitting upfront.

They soon arrive at the dolphin place. They walk in exited.

A worker walks up and greets them. She then brings them to fill out some safety papers. The worker then brings them to the boat.

They put on their scooba gear and dive in the water. They go underwater and see a bunch of dolphins swimming around them.

One of them comes over to nunew and playfully nudges him. Nunew Pets the dolphins head. He smiles at the dolphin.

Zee swims over to nunew. They are underwater petting the dolphins.

Zee and nunew share a kiss underwater.

Max and Nat are feeding the dolphins from underwater. The dolphin squeals at them.🐬they smile at how adorable the dolphin is. The dolphins start doing tricks.

After a little while of swimming with dolphins they get dressed into their dry clothes and head to get some food.

In the car.......

Max: where should we go to eat?

Nunew: I heard there's a good restaurant down a few blocks from the beach house.

Zee: let's go there then.

Nat: I'm so exited to try a new restaurant.

Nunew: me too , I hope they have noodles.

They start driving to the restaurant. A little later they arrive at the restaurant.

They all get out of the car and head inside if the restaurant.

The waiter shows them to their table and they sit.

The waiter leaves and they start talking.

Zee: what do you guys wanna do tomorrow since it's are last day tomorrow.

Max: we could go explore the shops they have.

Nat: ooo yea , we haven't seen there shops yet.

Nunew: let's do it then.

Zee: sounds like a plan then.

The waiter comes back with some menu's

waiter: what can I get you guys to drink?

Zee: I'll have a coke cola.

Nunew: I'll have a orange soda.

Nat: ill have water.

Max: and I'll have Pepsi.

waiter: I'll be right back with that. The waiter says smiling and walking away.

A few minutes later the waiter comes back with their drinks.

Waiter: here ya go , are you ready to order yet?

Zee: yes , I'll have the steak with fries.🥩🍟

Nunew: I'll have a cheeseburger with some fries.🍔🍟

Max: I'll have the shrimp with some soup on the side.🍣🍮

Nat: I'll have the chicken and and the rice.🍗🍚.

Waiter: krub , I'll bring that right out.(krub means yes).

The waiter walks away. They continue talking and sipping their drinks.

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