hope gave me you part 2

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Nunew alarm o'clock went off.

Nunew pov.

My alarm o'clock went off , I have classes today , I really don't wanna see poppy today.

But I guess I have to get it over with already.

Nunew gets up and gets a shower and gets dressed , he meets Nat outside and they both head to class.

They walk in the classroom and see poppy already sitting on his spot.

They walk pass him and sit in their spots.

The class soon ends and nunew heads to his next class.

Nat has a different class so he goes a different way.

Nunew walks in his class and sits down. He plugs music in a puts his head down and drift's off to sleep.

About an hour later the class ends and the teacher wakes him up.

He packs his stuff up and says goodbye to the teacher. He goes to lunch and meets up with Nat.

They sit down with their lunch.

Nat: what are you gonna do after school?

Nunew: I'm going to pick my stuff up from Tommy's place. Nunew says in a sad tone.

Nat: do you want me to come with you?

Nunew: it's ok , I'll be fine.

Nat nods his head and takes a bite of his food.

They finish all of their classes. Nat goes back to his dorm room and nunew goes to Tommy's place.

He walks in and begins packing his stuff.

Tommy walks out of the bathroom and sees him.

Tommy: I thought u were coming earlier.

Nunew: I had classes. Nunew says packing his stuff.

Tommy: can we please just talk. Tommy says touching nunew arm.

Nunew flings Tommy hands of off him.

Tommy: new look at me.

Tommy: new!!!


Tommy: it only happened a few times , it didn't mean anything I promise.

Nunew: f*uck you , you peace of sh*t!!!!!

Tommy shoves nunew against the wall.

Nunew: Tommy let go of me , your hurting me. Nunew says struggling to get loose.

Nat slings open the door.

Zee pov.

I had to drive Nat to nunew ex boyfriend place because he was worried. he still hasn't come out yet and it's been 10 minutes.

Back to Nat and nunew........

Nat: let go of him you b*sturd!!! Nat says shouting .

Tommy: you stay out of this , this is between me and him.

Tommy shoves Nat on the ground.

Zee walks in to see Nat on the ground and nunew pinned up against the wall.

Zee rushes over and punches Tommy so he would get of off nunew.

Nunew falls to the ground crying.

Zee punches Tommy one more time making him fall to the floor.

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