hope gave me you part 5

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7:45 am.......

Nunew gets woken up by his phone ringing.

He slowly opens his eyes and answers it.

Nunew: hello, Who is this? Nunew says in a sleepy voice.

Zee: new , this is zee, max wanted me to tell you not to come into today , he wants you to rest today.

Nunew: ahh ok , umm zee how did you get my number?

Zee: max gave it to me.

Nunew: oh alright , I'll see you tomorrow then.

Zee: alright bye.

Zee hung the phone up.

Nat wakes up and sits up beside nunew.

Nunew: I don't have to go in the company today. Do you wanna do something today?

Nat: mhm , what should we do though?

Nunew: I was thinking we could get milkshakes and the arcade.

Nat: that sound.....awesome!!! Nat says flopping back down on the bed.

Nunew giggles at Nat flipping. They both start laughing and giggling.

They soon get ready to go to the mall. the arcade is in the mall

They arrive at the mall.

They get their milkshakes from an ice cream shop in the mall. They walk to the arcade exited. They look at all of the games and machines.

Nat takes nunew arm and pulls him toward a machine.

Nunew runs along with Nat. They get to a machine it lights up with different colors. It has stuffed toy bears in it.

Nat swipes his game card in the machine and starts moving the claw. He lines the claw up and presses the button to go down.

The claw raps around the teddy bear and picks it up. It drops the teddy bear in the hole.

Nat and nunew get exited and jump up and down. Their exited that they won a teddy bear.

Nat: first try to!! This is awesome!!

Nunew: best day ever!!

After a few minutes Nat and nunew go try other machines.

Nunew wins a huge stuffed toy hamster.

Nat and nunew go and get food. They sit there plushies on a chair while they order.

Nat and nunew order pizza and a coke.

They sit down with their food and soda and start eating.

After they finish eating they go back and play in the arcade a little bit more.

After almost a whole day at the mall Nat and nunew head back to their dorm rooms

They both go to their own dorm rooms.

Nunew calls max and let's him know he's back at his dorm room.

Max: hello , nunew where are you?

Nunew: hi max , I just got back to my dorm room.

Max: alright then , when you come to the company tomorrow bring zee some files for me would you?

Nunew: sure , bye then.

Max: bye.

Max hangs up and nunew goes to sleep.

The next day.................

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