hope gave me you. part 9

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9:45 am...

Nat wakes up with max laying beside him staring at him.

Max: good morning. Max says in a gentle tone and smiling at Nat.

Nat: good morning. Nat says smiling back

Max kisses Nat on the forehead.

Max: are you hungry?

Nat nods his head.

Max: I'll make some breakfast then.

Max gets up out of bed and puts some clothes on. He goes out into the kitchen and sees zee already making breakfast.

Max: ohh I didn't no you were up yet , I'll help you with the breakfast then.

Zee: you can help with the bacon and the sausage.

Max: alright. Max says smiling and opening the bacon pack and putting it on the frying pan.

Nunew wakes up and doesn't see zee. He smells something delicious coming from the kitchen. He gets up and heads out to the kitchen and sees zee and max cooking breakfast.

Nunew: it smells delicious.

Zee: good morning new , I'll let you no when it's done. Zee says pecking nunew on the lips.

Nunew goes into max and nats room to see what nats doing.

Nunew sees Nat sitting on the bed putting a shirt on.

Nunew: soooo.......how was it last night?!!!! Nunew says shouting in excitement.

Nat: shhhh!! I'll tell you just don't shout and sit down.

nunew: alright alright I'm sitting , now tell me.

Nat tells nunew what happened last night. Nat turns bright red.

Nunew: omg!! My best friend finally did it , I'm so proud of you!!

Nat and nunew talk for a few more minutes before going out to the kitchen. They walk to the kitchen and see food on the table. Nunew's eye light up and he walks over to the table exited to eat.

They all sit down and start eating.

Max: so what do you guys wanna do today?

Nunew: hmmm , I don't know.

Zee: I heard there having a music festival , that would be fun go to.

Nat: ooo yes , I never been to a music festival!!!!

Nunew: ooo yea that's go!!!

Zee: music festival it is then. Zee says chuckling at how exited they are. Max also laughs at how exited they are.

They continue eating and talking. After they finish eating they get dressed and get ready to leave.

They walk out of the door and start driving to the mf( mf means  music festival ).

They are all exited to go. They arrive at the mf.

They all get out of the car and walk up to buy a ticket. They but there tickets and walk through the grass to find a place to stand/sit.

They find a spot and stand there waiting for the first singer to come out on stage.

(🌺🏵️🌸 Side note: I've never been to a music festival so I don't really know how they work or what you all do there)

The first singer comes out and starts singing.

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