hope gave me you part 8 🔞

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It's 8:45 am.

Nunew wakes up to see zee getting dressed into a suit.

Zee sees nunew is awake and walks over to him and kisses him on the forehead.

Nunew: where are you going?

Zee: the company , you should get dressed for class to.

Nunew: mmm I will.

Nunew sits up and rubs his eyes.

Zee: let me know when your done with your classes so I know when your coming to the company.

Nunew: ok , I'll text you after class and let you know I'm coming.

Zee fixes his tie and bends down to kiss nunew on the lips.

Zee: I love you.

Nunew: I love you to hia.

Zee walks out of the bedroom and heads to the office.

Nunew gets up and gets dressed. He walks over to nats room to see if he's ready for class.

He opens the door and sees Nat dancing and singing in into a brush.

Nat turns around to see nunew laughing.

Nat: stop laughing!! Why didn't you tell me you were coming yet? Nat says quickly putting the brush down and turning the music 🎵 off.

Nunew: because I didn't know if you were still asleep. But I guess I got my answer. Nunew says laughing 😂😂

Nat: says the one who had sex last night.

Nunew: hey!! How did you know!!

Nat: the walks aren't sound proof you know.

Nunew: oh shut it , you haven't even had it yet so what do you know.

Nat: hey!! I'm working on that. And now that me and max are officially dating , ill have it soon.

Nunew: well untill then let's go to class now.

Nunew and Nat head to class and sit it their seats.( They sit beside each other.)

Nunew: hey Nat , I got an idea for you and max to spend "alone" time together.

Nat: oh yea,what's your genius plan?

Nunew: let's all go on vacation this weekend for spring break.

Nat: where though?

Nunew: my dad has a beach house , we can go there.

Nat: sounds like a plan then.

After class Nat and nunew tell zee and max their plans for spring break.

The beach house is about an hour away.

The next day they all go to the store to pick some things up for the beach house.

In the store.........

Nunew and Nat is in the beach towel aisle.

Nat: ooo look at this towel it's so colorful.

Nunew: oooo cute , I'm getting this towel. Nunew has a towel with cats on it.

Nat: we should get some goggles to and a beach outfit.

Nunew: kk let's go look at some beach outfits real quick then we can get goggles.

Nat and nunew go look at some beach outfits. nunew gets a white tang top with a white and blue beach shirt. And he gets red shorts. Nat gets a yellow and white beach shirt with blue shorts.

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