hope gave me you. part 12.

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9:30 am.

Nunew woke up and didn't see zee. There was a note on the night stand.

I had to leave for the company earlier than I thought , I made you some breakfast before I left. I love you my teddy bear🐻.

Nunew smiled at the note and got up from the bed. He walked into the kitchen and seen pancakes and some bacon with orange juice.

He smiled and walked over and set down. He started eating his food while looking scrolling through his phone.

He got a text from his dad.

Dad: I need you to come to the company , I need to talk to you about something.

Nunew: ok , I'll be there in a little bit.😁

Dad: ok see you then.

Nunew hurried and finishes his food and then got dressed. He put on one of zee's sweatshirts with black ripped jeans.

He then left and started driving to the company. He was happy to go because zee was their also.

He arrived at the company and walked in. He pushed the elevator button and went up to his dad's floor. He walked into his dad's office and seen his dad sitting in his chair.

Nunew: dad I'm here , what did you wanna talk about?

N dad got up and walked over to him.

N dad: nunew , I need to talk to you about your relationship with zee.

Nunew: oh ,why? Is something wrong?

N dad: well , new I know you to really like each other but...don't you think that it's weird dating him?

Nunew: we don't like each other , we love each other , and nothing is weird about it.

N dad: son , you don't even know what love is yet , and I found someone who'd love to go out with you.

Nunew: dad , me and zee are dating , I don't want to go out with someone else.

N dad: nunew! Listen to me ok , I don't want you dating him , you better dump him or you won't go to that music program I was going to let you go to!!

Nunew: I guess I won't go to the music program then , I thought you'd be happy for us , but I guess not.

N dad: nunew!! I said dump him!! It will effect his work and your going to be starting the company soon!!

Nunew: I don't wanna work here!! I want to do music anyways!!

N dad: your a failure to this family then!!

Nunew stormed out of his office almost on tears. He ran to the elevator and pushed the first floor. The elevator stopped and zee got on.

Zee seen nunew crying and ran to him.

Zee: new what's wrong?

Nunew just looked at him and zee pulled him into a hug. He just sobbed into zee's arms.

Zee: new , tell me what's wrong so I can help.

Nunew pulled away from the hug and told him everything that happened.

Zee: new , listen to me , your not a failure ok. I love you the most in the world. Your dad was probably just angry and said things he regretted. I promise you everything is going to be ok.

Nunew: why can't he just be happy that I found someone I love. Nunew says has tears roll down his cheeks.

Zee wipes his tears away and kisses his forehead.

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