hope gave me you part 4

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7:45 am...

Zee wakes up and gets dressed he puts on a gray suit with a white shirt underneath. He then puts on a gray tie.

He grabs his car keys and heads out to his car.

He arrives at the company. He presses the elevator button and heads up to his office.

Zee assistant knocks on the door.


Zee: come in.

Zee assistant: uh sir the meeting got postponed.

Zee: for when?

Zee assistant: they postponed it untill tomorrow.

Zee: alright.

Zee assistant leaves and zee continues filling out papers.

Nunew pov.

It's my second day working at the company , I'm still not used to it , I'd better get going I don't wanna be late on the second day.

New gets dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt sleeve shirt.

He then heads out to his car.

He arrives at the company.

He walks in and heads to his office. He decorates his office a little bit so it won't be so plain.

A company worker walk in nunew office.

Nunew quickly takes his feet of the desk.

Worker: Mr.nunew , could you take these files up in the file room.

Nunew: sure , and you can call me nunew.

Worker: krub , thank you .( krub means yes).

Nunew takes the files and heads up in the file room. He walks in and See's zee their to.

Zee: wait don't shut the door!!

Nunew tried to quickly open it but didn't catch it in time.

Nunew: why won't it open back up?

Zee: it gets stuck a lot so we usually just leave it open. Zee says sighing.

Nunew: can't you call someone to come and open it?

Zee: there's no signal in this room.

Zee tried pushing it to get it unstuck but it didn't work.

Nunew slides down the wall and sits down.

No one's office in on that floor so no one would even hear them screaming.

Zee sit beside nunew on the floor.

Nunew: now what? Nunew said laying his head back on the wall sighing.

Zee: I guess we have to wait untill some one comes up and opens the door.

Nunew: how long is that gonna take?

Zee: probably not untill a while.

Time skip.......

They've been in the room for about 2 hours now.

Nunew starts to get cold. The room has an ac in it so that's why it's so cold.

Zee notices and takes his jacket off and raps it around nunew.

Nunew: thanks. Nunew said in a low voice.

About an hour later......

Nunew falls asleep and his head leans on zee's shoulder. Zee lays his head against the wall and falls asleep.

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