hope gave me you. part 16

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Nunew , zee , max , and Nat are meeting up with tutor and yim for their triple date today. They all are pretty excited.

Nunew pov.

Me and Nat are going shopping for an outfit before the triple date. Zee and max already picked their outfits out.

Authors pov.

Nat and nunew meet each other outside of the dorm rooms.

Nat: hey!

Nunew: hey!

Nat and nunew hug each other.

Nunew: ready to go?

Nat: yep, let's go.

Nunew and Nat walk outside and get into the car. nunew is driving and Nat is sitting in the passenger seat.

Nunew starts driving. As he's driving a car honks their horn at him.

Honk! Honk!

Nunew: why does these a**holes keep honking their horn for?

Nat: I don't know , go into the other lane.

Nunew: I can't that truck is moving over.


Nunew: ok I get it I'm moving!!


Nunew honks back at them.

Nunew: I can honk to!!! Nunew says honking.

Nat: next time I'm driving.

Nunew: it's not me it's these idiots.

💉🩸🐻Side note: their on the highway.

Nunew: I'm just gonna get off at this exit up here.

Nat: that's a good idea. Nat says in a sarcastic tone.

They make it off of the exit and continue driving. After a little while they make it to the store.

Nunew parks the car and they get out and head into the store.

Nat and nunew walks over to the clothes aisle.

Nat: what about this? It's pretty nice.

Nunew: no , we should get something fancy but not to fancy.

Nat: so how about tuxedo suits.

Nunew: that works I guess , let's go look at some.

Nat and nunew pick tuxedo suits out. They pay for their outfits and head back to the car.

As nunew is backing out of their parking spot he hits a buggy.

Nunew: oopsi....

Nat: what the hell! You just hit a buggy nunew!

Nunew: well it wasn't my fault , it was who ever set it there.

Nat: how did you get your license?

Nunew: I'm honestly not sure.

Nat: I'm surprised we're not dead yet with your kind of driving.

Nunew: hey, , I think do pretty good for driving.

Nunew pulls out and they start driving back to their dorms to get ready for the triple date.

They walk into their own dorm rooms and start getting ready.

Nunew puts on his tuxedo suits. He then puts on a bow tie. He adjust his hair.


Nunew gets a text message.

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