Chapter 12: Your Memory Our History

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Song for this chapter: Picture Perfect- Escape The Fate

Ricky's POV

She wants to forget, but I know her. She's still the same person she was before she lost her memory and she wants promises that she's going to be found, that someone's going to treat her right and make her forget the parts of her past she wants to forget. It makes me think of the night her boyfriend cheated- it killed her.


We're writing songs for the new EP: When Love Met Destruction since The Whorror went so well. We're currently writing a song called Bananamontana and Chris is getting really into it. Chris' sister Vamp (her nickname since she hates her real name) had gone to see her imbecile boyfriend. I hated the guy; he was going to hurt her and I knew it.

"How about we put-" He was cut off by the front door slamming shut.

We all shot round to see a very angry, and very wet, Vamp shoving her jacket angrily on the coat rack.

"Vamp?" Chris said. "Vamp," He repeated, louder. She continued to ignore him. "April!" He yelled sternly. She shot around at the mention of her actual name, the fire of her gaze contrasting with the tears in her eyes. She had black, eyeliner filled, tearlines down her cheeks and fresh tears brimming around her eyes. She looked as if she'd been crying for a while. She shook her head at him and sprinted up the stairs.

Chris got up to go after her, but I pulled him back down. "I'll go," I offered.

"Thanks man," Chris nodded. "She prefers you anyway."

"That's not true," I argued, but it made me happy to hear.

"You're her best friend just shut up and go," Chris retorted and shoved me slightly.

I nodded and ran up the stairs, treading light so I didn't make noise and she didn't know I was coming. I opened the door softly to see her staring at her duvet blankly. I walked closer and noticed that drops of water were falling from the end of her nose onto the duvet- tears.

"Hey," I said softly.

She didn't make any move to acknowledge me, she didn't even remove her gaze from the droplets of water on her bed.

I sighed and sat next to her. I pulled her close to me, my arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders. She put her head on my chest, but still didn't tear her gaze from one spot on the duvet. I noticed there was a small hole in the fabric where she was looking. I pulled at a loose thread on the fabric and she held her breath.

"Don't break it more," She whispered hoarsely.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"It represents where my heart's been torn out of my chest and you're making the wound bigger." She said woozily.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned for both her mental and physical state now.

"I don't know. I feel so empty and far away," She admitted.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Liam broke me."

I tensed up, but realised that right now I have to be the comforting friend for her. "What did he do?" I asked through gritted teeth. I exhaled and repeated more calmly, "What did he do to you?"

"I went over to see him and surprise him and his brother told me to just go on up. I did and he was making out with Jodie on his bed."

"Jodie? Jodie Herrington as in your best friend Jodie Herrington?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah," She said tearfully, her voice cracking.

I pulled her closer to me and just let her sob into my chest. "I'm always here for you, no matter what you need," I vowed.

"Ricky?" She sobbed.

"Yes angel?"

"Make me forget?"

My heart must've stopped beating upon hearing those words. How can I make her forget? What if she actually forgets everything? Forgets me?


"You know that I'm always here for you right?" I asked. She nodded solemnly. "Please never say make me forget again because I can take your mind away from things, but I can't handle the thought of losing you again because you forget. Forgetting is the worst thing for us right now because if you don't remember what you forgot you lose things. You almost lost me. I almost lost you." 

"I'm sorry," She said quietly, ashamed.

"It's okay, just don't."

She nodded and snuggled into me.

"Chris, man, can I speak to you please?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure," He nodded and stood up.

I picked Vamp off of my lap and put her where I was sitting. "I'll be back soon," I whispered and kissed her forehead. She looked so fragile and broken that it scared me, as if I could break her by pressing my lips ever so softly on her forehead or anywhere. As if she's one gust of wind away from finally cracking. Breaking completely. Breaking beyond repair.

We walked into the back room and I took a deep breath. "Chris man, this is so hard for me to say," He sighed and ran a finger through his hair, "I'm in love with your sister."

Chris looked at me softly, which surprised me because I thought he'd want to kill me, but what he told me next both confused me and made my whole world crash down. "You can't be with her, not yet."

Chris' POV

Ricky wouldn't meet my gaze as he nervously bit his lip, he shuffled from foot to foot, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he was thinking of the best way to tell me what he wanted to tell me.

His gaze slowly trailed up to mine and he scrunched his sleeves in his fists. "Chris man this is so hard for me to say," He sighed and ran a finger through his hair. I gave him an encouraging look because he looked like he really didn't know how to tell me what he wanted to tell me. "I'm in love with your sister."

My eyes glazed over as I processed this. I suppose I saw this coming, I just wished it wouldn't; I get that they're best friends, but if they fall in love I could be truly forgotten. I know it seems selfish, but they're two of the most important things to me and if they forget me for each other it'll ruin me, but if they're in love I'll accept it.

She's still broken and I don't want to risk her being irreparable so if he does get with her he has to treat her right, but she's just out of a relationship and still hung up on him as last night showed, which is completely understandable, so I think it's best if they wait. I'll accept them together, just not yet.

"You can't be with her." His whole face dropped and he looked like he wanted to cry. "Not yet." His eyes were confused, but his face was just sad. It broke my heart to see him so sad- maybe he does love her. "She can't be irreparable I need my sister fixed I need her back." I explained.

"I understand," Ricky nodded.

"Thank you," I smiled, "I accept that you love her and when the time comes I'll accept you guys."

He chuckled half-heartedly. "Thanks," He voiced, sounding unsure.

I patted him on the back. "For now just be there for her as a friend. I won't judge you guys because you've always had a touchy feely relationship, but don't go too far and don't mess her about. Ever. Even when you're together because I swear to God I will kill you," I promised. "That's not an empty threat. I will end you."

He nodded and noticeably gulped and I let him walk out. I began to wonder- does she already know he likes her? I hope not because otherwise I'm going to seem like the biggest ass ever.

I walked into the living room a few moment later and saw her sitting next to him with her legs over his and her arms around his neck. She was laughing and he was whispering things in her ears. If Ricky can make her happy after her boyfriend of almost two years cheated on her then maybe he is right for her? Maybe they should be together?

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now