Chapter 23: Tear Out My Eyes

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Song for this chapter: A Single Moment Of Sincerity - Asking Alexandria

Vamp's POV

"Chris what happened to him?" I cried.

"Him and Ange were walking home and they took a shortcut through this alley and they stabbed him and beat him up," Chris sighed.

"Oh my God," I mumbled and started sobbing. Dexter, Ricky's cat, hopped onto my lap and I just cried harder. He can sense something is wrong and the guys said he wouldn't let them leave him at home when he's normally fine about being alone.

"The doctor said he will be fine and we can go see him."

"What about Angelo?" Ryan asked.

"Ange is fine. Apparently they beat Ricky up for wearing makeup and shit and Ange wasn't wearing any makeup and was looking relatively casual so they held him against a wall and made him watch it all happen."

"Someone help her to the car," Balz mumbled in shock.

Galaxy and Flame each took one of my arms and helped me out to the car. I wasn't functioning, I couldn't think, I was barely breathing, I'm just crying.

"I think she's going into shock," Galaxy mumbled to Flame.

Flame picked me up and ran for the car. Motionless In White got in their car and Flame got Riot, Revenge and himself to sit down then he laid me across them, my head on his lap.

"Vamp sweetie you need to breathe," He told me softly. I inhaled deeply, but it just brought a new wave of sobs on.

"Drive quicker!" I cried out to Galaxy.

He gave me an apologetic/sympathetic look through the mirror and picked up the pace a bit. We're definitely breaking laws now.


We finally arrived at the hospital after what must've been the longest ten minutes ever and Flame picked me up and handed me to Chris - he knows the room number - and Chris sprinted off, yelling the room number to the guys behind him.

We arrived at the door and I was panicking again because I don't want to see him in a state. Chris knocked on the door and Ange opened it with a sad smile on his lips and tear stains on his cheeks.

"You guys are just in time. He just woke up," He said and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Can you walk on your own now?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. He placed me down carefully and my legs have way, causing me to fall into Angelo, who thankfully caught me, but we still both fell over into the room. "Sorry," I giggled. "Maybe not."

Chris pulled me up and shook his head at me. "Do you need a wheel chair too?" He joked.

"Most likely," I laughed. I refused to turn around and I'm stalling going in there.

"What's wrong?" Ange asked.

"I don't want to see how bad it is," I whispered, knowing Ricky's only a few feet away and can see and hear us.

"I'm not going to lie, it's bad, but he's okay. I'm so sorry I didn't do more to help."

"It's not your fault Ange. You're not a match to gangs and I know that," I gave him and understanding smile and took a deep breath.

"Vamp. I know you don't want to see me like this, but I could really do with seeing you right now," A weak voice said behind me.

Hearing how weak he sounds makes me want to cry because he's always been the strong one, the one to protect me and I've never had to do that for him, but now he's down and it's my responsibility to build him back up. I've got to be strong enough for the both of us this time.

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