Chapter 13: Something Off, See It In Their Faces

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Song for this chapter: Another You- Of Mice & Men

Vamp's POV

Ricky walked in after his talk with Chris, which he wouldn't tell me about, and he looked really upset. It broke my heart to see him looking so sad so I opened my arms and called him over. He lifted up my legs and sat under them, then I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled into it.

He kissed just under my ear and then whispered, "You're so fucking beautiful it hurts so much." I giggled and was about to ask why when Chris walked in. "You're so fucking amazing too," He whispered, not noticing Chris' presence and I couldn't help but giggle again. Instead of Chris stopping us he sat down and watched us with a smile. Ricky was running his hands up and down my sides and telling me I'm beautiful over and over again and it took all I had not to kiss him.

He looked me in the eyes and looked like he had something to do. I smiled at him softly and he smiled back lovingly, but I'm not sure whether it was friendly or more. He opened his mouth and was cut of by a knock at the door. I sighed and got up to open it and was met with the face of Alex Gaskarth.

"Vamp," Alex greeted, smiling sympathetically.

"Alex," I nodded curtly.

His face dropped. "Are you mad at me because you haven't called me anything other than Lex in ages and you haven't spoken to me since yesterday?"

"It's not that I'm mad at you it's just-"

"It hurts too much to see me," He finished.

"Yeah," I admitted, "I don't want to stop being friends, but I think I need a break from all you guys, especially him, to get my life back on track," I sighed.

"I understand. Call me when you're ready to see me," He smiled understandingly.

"I will Lex," I said and he smiled softly.

"Bye Vamp," He said and he looked tearful.

I pulled him into a hug, which he returned tightly, and whispered, "Bye Lex." Then I let go and he was walking away before I even had the chance to shut the door.

I slid down the door and sniffled slightly as a tear rolled down my cheek; I just lost my best friend, the one who's been there for me ever since the whole thing with Chris, every time Jack and I fought he'd comfort me he's been there for me more than anyone else and I just lost him.

"Hey," Ricky cooed as he sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him, and taking one of my hands with his free one and kissed it softly then rubbed his thumb back and forth over my knuckles.

"I just lost the one who's been for me throughout everything," I sobbed.

"I know," He sighed sympathetically, "But not for that long I did that for years and I want to do that again, I want to mean that much to you again."

"You already mean so much to me," I whispered.

"I want to mean more. I want to be everything to you just like I was, I want to be the first one you call when something happens, the first you text good morning to, the first you text goodnight to, the one you always want to spend time with, the one you have sleepovers with, the one you can joke about with, the one you can cry to or about because we had a silly argument and you're so worried about losing me. I want to be all that just like I was. I want more."

I looked at Chris with pleading eyes and his eyes went between us two and then nodded slightly and sighed. I smiled gratefully and smashed my lips onto Ricky's. Ricky pulled away instantly and looked at Chris apologetically and fearfully. Chris dismissed it with a wave of his hand to say it was okay and Ricky instantly reattached our lips.

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now