Chapter 34: The Put You Back Together When You Fall Apart

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Song for this chapter: Let Me Be - Escape The Fate

Vamp's POV

"Oh Vamp, thank god you're here!" Ryan exclaimed as I walked through the door of the bus, Ricky following quickly behind me, holding my bag. Since I was spending the rest of his tour with him and my tour only had four days left, we decided to just put me in Motionless's bus now since I only have two shows left to play and they're both where Motionless will play the following night (on our off days they play and on their off days we play so it works out rather nicely). Plus I probably would've spent most of my time there anyway, only going back to my bus to get changed, so it just made sense to move into their bus now and save the extra hassle.

It's been a month since I last saw the guys and I was here to finish off my tour with them and then join theirs. The past month has been boring to say the very least. I spent a lot of time with TJ and we coached my memories along, the blurry face's slowly becoming clearer and more events being unraveled. Him and I have gotten close, as you would after spending a month with someone, he's like a brother to me now, like the rest of the guys and I can see whatever romantic interest he once had in me is now gone.

Ricky and I had our usual greeting of running into each other's arms, kissing passionately and telling each other how the past month without the other was torture, looking at it now I see why the guys all cringe at us. Sure we skyped, but it's never the same as having someone in your arms or even simply in your presence, being able to observe every minuscule detail of their face and the way they move, being able to smell their cologne or their breath after they've eaten or smoked or chewed some gum and being able to wake up in someone's arms and hoping they're never gonna let you go and hearing the voice that can melt your insides whisper in your ear that you're theirs and that they love you.

"Wow Ryan, you've never greeted me so nicely before. What's Chris done this time?"

"Not Chris, Ricky! Because oh man let me tell you-"

"Dude, shut up," Ricky warned through a fake smile and gritted teeth.

"Oh dude, if I can't tell her then you can," He laughed maliciously as he watched Ricky squirm uncomfortably. I was growing increasingly nervous, but I know Ryan's prone to overreacting so I didn't worry too much. "Okay then, since he won't tell you, I guess I'll have to do it. This boy," He said, pointing at Ricky, "Would not shut up about you! Oh god this last month was torture, everything reminded him of you, it was like watching a widow talk about their dead partner as if they're still here." I raised my eyebrow at his incredible talent to make everything so dark, but let him continue anyway. "'If Vamp was here this,' 'she would say that,' 'she's so beautiful,' 'I love her,' 'guess what Vamp is doing,' 'oh my god when I was on Skype to her,' 'she's just perfect,' 'this light bulb reminds me of Vamp because..' 'she's my world' and the ever popular 'you guys don't understand' after we told him to quit it," He mimicked. "We were so close to throwing him off the bus and getting a replacement guitarist for the rest of tour!"

"Thanks man, those were supposed to be secrets," Ricky glared at him, his face a shade of crimson I never even knew possible.

"I'm your world," I teased, put my hand on my heart and looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes at me and kissed my temple. "Obviously," He replied, although he didn't seem like he was being as sarcastic as he was trying to come across as.

"So the only reason you're happy to see me is because he'll stop moping and talk to me instead of about me?" I concluded Ryan's story and raised an eyebrow about him.

"No, I'm obviously glad to see you and all, but Jesus Christ if he wasn't on Skype with you he was talking about you and since you guys weren't constantly texting and skyping like all the other times you've been apart, he had more time to talk to us about you."

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now