Chapter 22: I'm The Only Thing Inside Of You That You Cannot Control

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Song for this chapter: Hatefuck - Motionless In White

Vamp's POV

"Shit," I winced as Megan worked her needle along my collar bone. I felt something on my hand, but I couldn't move to see what it was so I just grabbed it and felt the same calloused finger tips rubbing across my knuckle that I always do.

"Collarbones are one of the more painful tattoos," Megan chuckled.

"That's one way of putting it," I grimaced.

"You're doing well. I've had people in here crying and screaming when I do their tattoos," She smiled encouragingly at me. Megan and I have been talking for the hour that she's been doing my tattoo while Ricky and Angelo talked across the room. She's such a lovely person and she even told me how close her and Chris are and how they used to date. We decided to go get coffee together on Thursday which should be fun since it's one of my free days. Obviously I'll spend most of my time with Ricky, but I spend a lot of time with him and I don't really have any girl friends other than Ashley Costello who I don't see often anymore.

"And done," She smiled. "Stay still while I clean you up and then I'll show it to you," She grinned proudly. She wiped my neck with an antiseptic wipe then handed me a mirror. 

I sat up and held the mirror so I could see my collarbone and saw that 11/02/15  was written in cursive writing. "I love it," I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much."

"Of course dear. It looks very good on you," She smiled once I released her.

I looked over to see Ricky is also sat up, as his was finished around the same time as mine, but he's still admiring his with a massive grin on his face. Megan told me to pay when I'm ready and dragged Angelo out of the room. I hopped on the seat next to Ricky and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Do you like it?" I asked and kissed under his ear.

"It's perfect," He whispered in awe, looking at me through the mirror. 

"I know," I smiled. A tear rolled down his cheek and I giggled slightly. "Are you crying?"

"No, I have allergies," He said and wiped his cheek.

"So do I. I'm allergic to bullshit," I said and fake sneezed.

"Shut up. Can't I be happy?"

"I'm happy too do you see me crying?"

"It's not just the tattoo," He shook his head. "It's the fact that I finally have you after so long of dreaming about it and these just make it seem so much more real. They show me that I'm not a rebound, this isn't a fling, this is real."

"Of course it's real," I giggled at his worrying. "It's not like I lie when I say I love you; I really really do."

"I love you too, even if you're a pain in the ass 90% of the time," He smirked and I shoved him with a look of mock shock on my face. "But you're my pain in the ass," He grinned.

"Literally," I giggled and he gave me a look of mock disgust. "Well I better go and get my name changed. Wish me luck."

"Good luck," He smiled and kissed my cheek.

I stood up and he slapped my ass. "Asshole," I mumbled and flipped him off as I walked out.


It took me two fucking hours to get my name changed. The queues there were so fucking long and the woman there spoke to me for ten minutes about how serious name changing is and I should think very hard about it and then when I said what I wanted my name to be, she gave me the same ten minute lecture then transferred me to someone else because she 'can't deal with rowdy teens these days.' I'm 22...

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