Chapter 30: When Your Dreams Come To An End, How Will You Buy Your Happiness

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Song for this chapter: If It's Dead We'll Kill It - Motionless In White

Vamp's POV

"Contour her cheeks more," The woman with the clipboard yelled at the poor girl doing my makeup before walking off briskly to yell at the guy setting up the bed.

"Jeez, what crawled up her arse?" Ricky asked from behind me as he massaged my shoulders to calm me down as that woman was stressing me out quite a bit. There was no mirror so Ricky couldn't see my face and I could only feel him to know he was there. Ricky already had his makeup done so that he could watch us film White Noise and then get right into Whore. He was wearing a really smart black tuxedo with a thin black tie and black Vans, he was wearing large shiny lip rings, his skin was so white it blended in white his shirt and we was wearing some sort of rubber, black bunny mask that covered everything from his nose upwards. I'm not going to lie, he looked really hot and I was melting just looking at him.

"I'm not quite sure she's just always on edge," The mousy makeup girl said.

"She's stressing me the fuck out," I groaned and Ricky kissed the top of my head making me relax a bit.

"She has that quality unfortunately," The makeup girl sighed.

"Calm down," Ricky whispered softly in my ear before kissing below it and squeezing my shoulders.

"You two are adorable," The makeup girl squealed.

"Aw thank you," I replied, blushing slightly.

"It's alright my dear," She grinned. "You're all done," She grinned and held up a mirror so I could look at myself. My hair was all curled and whipped over to one side, my skin was a ghostly white, my cheekbones looked so hollow it seemed as if my face caved in underneath them, I was wearing a white lipstick only slightly darker than my actual skin and I had in black contacts to give me that demonic look. I was wearing a black, football jersey styled, t-shirt dress and thigh high white socks with black stripes around the top.

"Wow, I look really cool! Thank you," I smiled.

"You're very welcome my dear," She smiled back at me and turned me round to face Ricky. "What do you think?"

As cliché as it sounds, Ricky's jaw genuinely dropped - most likely because I looked so different, but still. "Wow," Ricky whispered after a moment of just staring at me. "You've done a really good job, she looks amazing," He told the woman.

"Thank you," She smiled. "Now I'm done with you both so I'm going to head over there and get some coffee. Good luck you two."

"She was nice," I said once she'd walked off.

"Yeah," Ricky murmured hazily, still staring at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"I'm great," He laughed. "You just look really beautiful," He murmured and leant towards me.

"No kissing you'll ruin your makeup!" The insane clipboard woman barked as she grabbed my arm and yanked me away from Ricky. "They need you on set now!"

"Jesus Christ alright."

"Thank you," She huffed, pulling me off towards the set, Ricky trailing behind us.

She pulled me over to a large bed with a hairdryer sat on it and told me what to do and that all I had to do for this bit was sing while drying my hair. I nodded and watched some guy film an old static TV and then she nodded at me and told me they were going to put audio over it, but I could sing anyway since the music would be playing to give me my cue and it would make it look more natural. She also told me that the shot would keep switching between the guys entering the house and me.

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now