Chapter 31: It's Insane That I Can't Get You Out Of My Bed

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Song for this chapter: Scream - New Years Day

(I genuinely can't remember what she did in the band so if I get this wrong I apologise)

Vamp's POV

I moaned in content as my head rested upon Ricky's bare chest. Our fingers were laced and he was running his fingers across my knuckles and his other hand was wrapped around my waist and laying across my stomach, tracing circles with his forefinger and making me shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"No," I replied and grinned widely, cuddling into him. "Just really happy. That felt really nice," I sighed.

"It did," He groaned in agreement. "I love you."

"I love you too Ricky," I smiled and leaned up, kissing him softly. "I really do. I've never felt like this before as long as I can remember and I probably never felt this way about anyone but you before what I can remember either."

"I've had my fair share of girlfriends, but I've never felt this way about any of them, not even close. The way I feel about you makes me wonder if I ever even liked them even the tiniest bit."

I escaped from his hold and wrapped the comforter around me. Ricky whined and made grabby hands at me. "Where are you going?"

"For a shower. Care to join me?" I winked and I'm not over exaggerating at all when I say he leapt up and ran into the bathroom so quick I almost didn't see him go. I laughed and was about to follow him when my phone rang. "I'll be two minutes Ricky," I yelled.

I heard him groan loudly in frustration, but I ignored it and answered the phone, without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hey Vamp," Riot said on the other line.

"What's up?" I asked, kind of hurrying him along because I didn't want to be on the phone right now because I had better things to do - pardon the pun.

"I just wanted to remind you that our show is in an hour since I figured you might be having to much fun with Ricky to remember it," He said and I could practically hear his smirk.

"Shit!" I yelled. "Ricky no shower sex I have places to be."

"Lovely," I heard Chris say in the background.

"Oops," I giggled. "I'll be there in 45 minutes," I promised.

"You better be." Riot warned and hung up the phone.

I ran into the bathroom, as best as I could with a comforter restricting me, and saw Ricky pouting at me and giving me puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"Ricky I can't I have places to be," I sighed.

"Just a quick one?" He asked and started sucking my neck.

"Okay," I moaned and pulled him towards the shower. "Quick though, I want you to bring out the thirteen year old boy in you."


"Fuck," I groaned as my eyeliner went wrong yet again. "This is karma, this is motherfucking karma isn't it?" I grumbled as I finally did it right after the 14th try.

"You look great, don't worry, but we should probably leave," Ricky murmured from his position behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist, leaving sweet kisses on my neck every few moments to remind me he was still there, as if I could forget!

"I just need to get dressed," I said and held up one finger. I flipped my curled hair out of my face and quickly ran to my suitcase, grabbing my tight black dress with one sleeve that goes down to about my mid-thigh and my wedge ankle boots. I got them on as quickly as I could and ran out of the bus. "I can't run in heels," I groaned and moments later I was lifted off the ground and was being carried bridal style by a running Ricky. I kissed his jaw, leaving a black mark.

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now