Chapter 14: I'm Drowning From Within

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Song for this chapter: Pittsburgh- The Amity Affliction

Vamp's POV

"Are you ready?" Galaxy asked.

"Give me two minutes," I replied.

It's the last show of tour and then we're going to a bar to celebrate. All Time Low are playing now and we go on in ten minutes.

I decided to dress nicer than normal considering it's the last day of tour so I'm wearing a one-sleeved, black dress covered in lace that goes down to my mid thigh and the sleeve is made out of a patterned lace. I was wearing transparent tights and high-top black converse. I wore a silver charm bracelet on my right wrist and a silver heart locket around my neck. It had a picture of Ricky and I in it from when we were children- Chris gave it to me yesterday when Ricky and I got back.

I was wearing white body paint so all of my skin looked like it was a snowy white shade and my blood red lipstick stood out like a sore thumb against it. I did red eyeshadow all around my eyes for a change and black eyeliner in a thin line around my eyes and on my waterline. I put on white mascara and filled my eyebrows in with charcoal eyeliner (I'm normally against doing my eyebrows, but I'm going for a creepy look and if I had natural brown eyebrows it would sort of ruin what I'm going for).

 "Do I look alright?" I asked nervously.

"Fuck yes!" Ricky exclaimed. Chris shot him a glare. 

"You look amazing," Chris smiled at me, "I see you inherited my eyebrow skills," He smirked and nodded in approval.

"It's a one off."

"It looks nice you should do it more often."

"We better go then," Flame sighed, "All Time Low will be doing Dear Maria, Count me in now."

We all walked down to the venue just in time to hear Alex sing, "There's a story at the bottom of this bottle."

"Thank you guys so fucking much! We're all going through a bump in the road and it's amazing to know you guys support us. We'll see you soon." Jack yelled.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes and they ran off stage. He met eyes with me for a second before like away guiltily.

The stage went dark and the curtain went down and we all got in our places. Galaxy held his drumsticks up; Spider did something with his keyboard; Riot, Revenge and I all posed with out guitars and Flame stood at his mic holding the stand up. A spotlight shone on us one by one and then all together as we started to play.


"Thank you guys we're We The Rebels!" I yelled.

"This is the last show of the tour and we're gonna make it the best can you do that for us?" Flame asked.

The crowd roared in response.

"Thank you guys!" Revenge yelled. "How many circle pits do you think we can open tonight?"

"I think we can get four," Riot yelled.

"I bet they can do five," Flame argued.

"Well we'll see." I announced and we started playing again.


The lights went down and we left the stage silently.

I ran straight to Ricky and he picked me up and span me around. "You did great baby I'm so proud of you," He whispered into my hair.

"I'm ready to let go of him and be with you completely," I told him.

He gave me a massive smile and kissed me hard. It was loving and told me all I needed to know: Ricky is who I needed all along. "I have to go," He sighed.

"I'll be here when you get back," I promised.

"I know you will," He smiled and kissed my forehead before running on stage.


"I don't feel like clubbing I want to have a party on the grounds here." Galaxy said.

"Okay, but we should invite All Time Low they were just as much a part of this tour as we were," Flame sighed.

"Yeah that's fine," I shrugged knowing Flame's conscience was taking over.

We got the food and music set up and then we started the party.

'Gives You Hell' by The All-American Rejects came on and Galaxy and I started jumping around like idiots singing at the top of our lungs.

"When you see my face hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell," We screamed in each other's face as we held hands and jumped up and down. I'm pretty sure everyone else was just watching us for their entertainment, but we couldn't care less.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm, pulled me away from Galaxy and behind the All Time Low bus. I met eyes with Jack and scoffed loudly. "What?" I asked in annoyance.

"I'm so sorry. Seeing you with Ricky has really opened my eyes. I need you Vamp."

"I need you to get away from me," I spat.

"Give me another chance baby," He begged.

"You broke my heart whilst I was going through one of the worst things I've ever been through. You have nerve even looking at me nevermind asking for me back." I yelled and shoved him off of me.

"Is there a problem here?" Chris asked. "Lay a hand on her again Barakat and I will kill you," He threatened in a low menacing tone.

Jack scoffed and stormed off. 

"I want it to end," I sighed.

"It'll be over soon," Chris promised.

"No," I shook my head, "I want everything to end."

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