Chapter 28: One Day Lovers Will Dream Of This Undying Kiss

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Song for this chapter: As You Wish - Alesana

Vamp's POV

Ricky and I have been inseparable since we got back together. Well as inseparable as you can be from different states. We're constantly calling, skyping and texting each other, the only time we don't is when we're performing or sleeping.

I've also noticed one of the guitarists of Escape The Fate constantly watching me weirdly and it's kind of freaking me out, but every time he comes over to me one of the guys drags me away. The only person from Escape The Fate that I've met so far is Kevin and he's so lovely and funny. We play guitar together and he makes fun of the fact he can play faster than me, but he's awesome.

Our tour is lining up with Motionless In White's for three days starting tomorrow and I've honestly never been more excited to see someone than right now. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it in all honesty. Every time I think of seeing Ricky again I get goosebumps and I can't stop smiling while a weird tingly feeling courses through my veins, if I was in love with him before, it's ten times stronger now. I don't know what I'll ever do without him.

My phone pinged with a message from Ricky: 'Baby I miss you. I'm never letting you go when I see you tomorrow <3'

I smiled and typed out a quick reply before putting my phone away, unable to wipe the smile off of my face.

"You talking to lover boy again?" Galaxy asked in a bored tone. I nodded. "I swear I thought you guys were bad before, but now you're acting like newly weds."

I blushed and looked down at my lap - the thought of marrying Ricky makes me blush, but it also makes me nervous. The guys always joke that he'll propose soon and honestly with all the shit going on I'm not ready for it, but I don't want him to think I don't love him and don't want to marry him because I do, he's the love of my life and if I spend my life with any one but him I'll be terribly unhappy forever.

I checked the time and saw it was already midnight. "I'm gonna go to bed," I yawned, standing up and stretching until my back clicked.

"I hate it when you do that," Flame groaned.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"Night," Everyone said as I walked into the bunk room.

I changed into the shirt Ricky bought me for Christmas, that he finally dug out for me, and a pair of black shorts before climbing into my bunk. I placed a hand on my tattoo and smiled softly then fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


It's 9am. Three hours until we arrive at the venue Motionless In White will be at. Three hours to get ready. Three hours until I see him.

I climbed out of my bunk and saw every one else was still asleep - or at least in their bunks. I rolled my eyes at them and walked into the back room to get ready. I grabbed a pair of lacy black tights, a Get Scared t-shirt dress that went down to my mid-thigh and my black Doc Martins. I pulled them on quickly and yawned; I'm still so tired. I then quickly straightened my hair and did simple makeup of concealer and winged eyeliner since I couldn't be bothered with much else. I grabbed a black hoodie, that was slightly too big, and pulled it on, hugging it to me slightly as the bus is very chilly.

I looked and saw I still had about an hour so I just went into my bunk and put my earphones in, wishing for time to pass at light speed so I can see him again.


"Vamp c'mon," Galaxy yelled.

"Shut up! Converse take time to lace up!"

"I thought you wanted to see Ricky?"

"Ricky's not on this bus though is he?"

"No, but Chris is."

My head shot up and I quickly shoved the laces into the sides of my shoes then ran into the living room area. Chris was leaning against the counter with a small smirk on his face and one of his perfectly drawn eyebrows arched.

"Chris!" I squealed and dived into his arms. He held me tightly for a few seconds before letting go sing a huge smile on his face. "Where's Ricky?" I asked, slightly disappointed he didn't come to see me.

"He's in the bus. The guys can't wake him up he's sleeping through everything."

"That's weird," I mumbled. "I'll try," I offered.

"We were hoping so," He chuckled. He lead me to his bus and we stepped on quietly.

We walked into the bunk area and Ryan looked at me and sighed in relief. "Thank God!"

"I think he's dead," Balz said.

"Did you check his pulse?" I asked. He nodded. "Is his heart beating?" I asked. He nodded again. "Well then," I rolled my eyes. "Cover your ears," I warned. They all obeyed and placed their large hands over their ears. "Richard Allen Olson if you don't get your ass up right now I swear to fucking God I will never touch you again!" I yelled.

A bang sounded as Ricky rolled out of his bunk and landed in a crumpled mess on the floor, groaning in pain.

"You good Ricky?" Balz laughed.

"Go away," Ricky groaned.

"Oh okay," I sighed dramatically and turned around.

"Not you," He said and I heard him scrambling to his feet. He rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you so much," He mumbled and kissed just underneath my ear.

"I missed you too," I sighed and turned around to face him.

He gave me a soft smile and brought a hand up to my face, cupping my cheek and softly brought his lips down to meet mine.

"Thank god!" Chris exclaimed.

"What?" I giggled, pulling away from Ricky quickly.

"He's been moaning and groaning about you since you last saw each other and I'm sure you've been the same. It's just nice to see you all happy again."

"I just missed him," I sighed.

"You can't even comprehend how much I missed you."

It's shit! I forgot everything I was going to write! I'll remember! But I had to update so yeah. I have school tomorrow so I couldn't write for longer but the next update will be super long and hopefully something exciting will happen yay. I have new stories in the works, but I can tell this story has a lot left in it but HOLY FUCK NEARLY 9K READS THATS INSANE! This is my most popular story and my favourite thank you so much.

ALSO ASHLEY MOTHER FUCKING COSTELLO TWEETED ME RETWEETED ME AND THE NEW YEARS DAY BAND TWITTER RETWEETED ME! I died! It's my pinned tweet on my Twitter @British andFan or my Instagram has screenshots rachelxhorror I'm not trying to get likes I'm just freaking out.

Please vote, comment, following me and check out all my other books. Don't forget to request a oneshot. For me to update next Monday let's get this to 10 votes and 12 comments. It's a new idea I have it helps motivate me and see if people are actually wanting updates and helps me prioritise stories in which people do. Okay. Thank you so much for reading I love you all so much. Stay happy not crappy. Stay beautiful!

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