Help me?

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He's learning

Sound effect ex. Brrrrrrrrrrrt

York POV
1 minute later

Confused choking

I was being strangled by this crazy bitch! She had her hands on mine, get these cuffs off me, and was getting weird. Now she strangling me with fluff! How does that work?!

"Come on dear~ just let it happen."

Fuck no! Sorry lady, but you're weird. Weird and hot yes, but you scare me!

Still choking

"Akagi! Let go of my faction's guest!" That voice sounded a lot like Bismarck's, so that means I'm saved right?

Akagi's eyes gained a dark look again! "Now why would I do that?" Please let me go I can't breathe!

"Because it's not your jurisdiction to come into my base and interrogate my guest!" Wait.. what do you mean by 'my' guest? "Also can't you see he's barely breathing! Are you trying to kill him!"

Akagi's grip loosened a bit so I could finally breathe properly again. Bad news is that she hugged me like I was stuffed animal, not that I mind though.

"So Mr. Yorktown how has your stay been?"

I looked her in the eyes, "It could've been worse. Not the best, but not the worst position I've been in."

I could tell by Bismarck's look that she wanted an explanation, Akagi too since I could feel her breath on my cheek.

"I've had to sit in a dock for two years straight. Not fun at all." I gained a more serious look before asking a question of my own. "What do I gain by answering all your questions?"

Bismarck seemed to frown at that. "Well you could just go and be free without any outside influence or..." she started smiling a little, "Or you can join Iron Blood."

I looked at her in complete silence before answering, "I do like my freedom, but my only problem is how I work and who I fight. But if I leave by myself just know that my lips are sealed."

She gained a thoughtful stance, by this I mean she brought one of her hands to her chin and started thinking. Both gave me pros and cons. Pros by myself are that I fight who I want and when I want, but the con of not being able to refuel. The pros of joining was that I get people to work with, but I don't choose my fights.

"If you don't join Iron Blood you can join Sakura Empire and be with me forever~." God she's wierd, but it's very tempting.

"I'm good. Thank you though." I think she's sad now.. anyways Bismarck seemed to reach her final questions for me.

"Where are you from, who do you call enemies and allies, and why is your flag similar to Eagle Union's."

I gained a happy expression, "For my country, well it's the United States or America. My enemies are those that try to take away freedom from individuals, kill people for being different and wyverns. Allies are those that don't try to kill me, Grim, and those that fight the sirens. I would say wyverns, but there are none here apparently and you guys fight sirens for humanity. And my flag is my country's."

"Grim? Who's that?" That's a new voice. I can't see the speaker, but they were most definitely female.

"Lady Nagato. I didn't know you'd be here."

"It's alright Bismarck. But let him answer, I would like to know."

Eagle screech

I started to chuckle as Grim flew into the room before landing in front of me and looked at me. Everyone was just staring in shock and confusion.

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