Bow to no one

875 21 14

I loved it when Bama said 'it's Bama time' and went apeshit on some ships


1 month later
Pacific Ocean

A lone carrier was cruising at its own pace before launching two planes. The two planes flew up and up before doing a trick and ended up one right above the other. While like that they started a synchronized spin before splitting and returning to the ship.

On the ship a man was sitting down and watching the planes return. The carrier's deck was metal due to the upgrade he gave himself. He was bored and lonely, due to his old friend's death. He was fighting sirens when he could while avoiding the factions at the same time. He was running low on fuel, but didn't realize how close he was to a certain base.

On this base we're many Kansens and a lone commander. The commander was a dignified woman in her 20s who had gained the respect of the carrier due to how successful she was, that and trying to figure out who else was fighting the sirens.

The carrier was trying to plan out a course for him to refuel and not get seen. He knew what he has planned now was near impossible, but who says odds dictate the action. He knew if he was found they would try to capture him, so he had to be fast. He would try to get there at near midnight when all patrols are gone for the night and when most are asleep. For now he hid near an island as a way to hide his ship from sight.

He was also betting on them to be more relaxed at the base during the night, but the patrols to be more aggressive. If the patrols aren't at the base, then he has a pretty good chance of pulling this off. That's a big IF though.

"You only live life once. Why not enjoy it. But I guess this counts as my second life, so why not do it better."

10 hours later
York POV

'It's time' I thought as I started up my boilers. I was getting ready for the refueling, and so I was keeping my eyes more open. I had 25 minutes before I was full. That's 25 minutes of risking it.

I was already in the base, since I entered as the last patrol left the harbor. Now I just need to find the station. Now where would I be if I was a refueling station?

...there. Of course it's there. Near the main part of the base was the station. I guess I have to take the risk then.

Sighing I started my way there. While on the way I looked out for any lights, but saw none. Good so far.

As I pulled up I got everything in place and started it. 25 minutes started on a watch. Now I wait.

With nothing to do I listened to my ship refuel before noticing a single light. It looked like a flashlight and a single person. Just need them to be unconscious or go away.

Looking back at my watch I saw 22 minutes left. This is going to take a while. Letting out another sigh I looked back up to see more lights heading my way. Realizing that I could be found I turned off the station and summoned my bow. Nocking a arrow I waited for the lights to get closer before shooting an arrow towards their back right. It went into a bush and I noticed some lights go to it while two were still coming for me.

'Please don't let these be battleships.' I thought to myself before preparing to knock them unconscious.

As they got closer I noticed that one was wearing an admiral's hat and the other a maid headdress? What the hell?

Shaking my head I hid farther into the shadows letting them pass before grabbing the maid into a choke hold. I'm pretty sure I caught her by surprise due to her muffled surprised yelp. I held her in a chokehold for about 20 seconds before letting go only to see an arrow coming right at me. I didn't have time to think as I threw the maid down and shifted my weight to the right and felt the arrow graze my cheek.

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