Last Chance

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Hm. You know it feels weird coming back to the series I started with. I don't mind, but this ain't Bama so no fist fights.

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Pacific Ocean

A massive fleet could be seen. Ranging from Battleships, Cruisers, Carriers, and Destroyers. Their mission was to end a war, albeit a very costly war. Many of their brothers and sisters have been lost, but no more. They aimed to end it here and now, and it didn't matter how many of them were left because as long as at least one gets through them the mission continues.

Now you may be wondering who the enemy is. Well they appeared only 10 years ago appearing as friendly by sharing their tech with humanity, but humanity accepted and made a fatal mistake. They called themselves wyverns. When this war happened the main targets were the two super powers. In almost 2 months both the US and USSR were burned or bombed to nothing and few lived by fleeing. The US navy was almost completely destroyed while the Soviets were gone, not even a wreck was left. The few ships the US had left were the 4 Iowas, Yorktown, both USS Alabama and Massachusetts, Texas, Midway, and Laffey.

The world couldn't compete with the Wyverns technologically, but that didn't stop them from inventing a useful tool. The wisdom cubes, able to turn ships into people. With this new tool humanity started to make a small comeback. They were loosing in the seas, but they owned the air and land. The wyverns had a lot of ships and soldiers, but their soldiers were poorly trained and only won because of numbers. In the sea less people were lost due to the ships, later called Nautae, and they started to win battles. They found out that kinetic damage done by torpedoes and shells were the most effective due to the wyvern ships having antimissile guns, and you can't shoot a 2,400 pound shell coming at you down.

Now it's been 5 years since the war started and humanity was pushing for victory. The fleet chosen were the last American ships, HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Queen Elizabeth, Amatsukaze, Izumo, and HMS Belfast. They have proven themselves time and time again that America's navy wasn't out just yet and with the help of fellow strong naval countries have led the naval war from the beginning to the comeback and now the end.

Leading this fleet was USS Laffey with the flagship being HMS QE. Yorktown was near the back with both Alabama and Wisconsin. Wisconsin had long brown hair with brown eyes, a small bust, long coat with 64 on the side, and pants and boots. Alabama had short brown hair with red eyes, toned body, combat pants, ALFB hoodie, bracers, and work boots.

Yorktown himself had the body of a swimmer, white hair that reached his shoulders that he kept in a ponytail, red eyes, black admiral coat, white button up shirt, US marine HBT pants with the boot gators, combat boots, and a bald eagle named Grim. Grim originally belong to the first Yorktown, CV 5, and was given to Enterprise, CV 6, before she was fully sunk at Midway. Yorktown got Grim when Enterprise got scrapped as a way to remember her and the legacy left by the original.

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