Skies Unknown

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Im sorry I've been taking so long, but I lost some motivation to write chapters for this story.


??? POV
?? Hours later

'W-what? Wh-where am I?' I thought to myself and looked around. All around me were wrecks of siren ships with blood in the water.

"YOU'RE NEXT!" Yelled a male voice, it was full of anger and anguish. I looked in the direction it came from and saw crimson electricity spreading out before collapsing on itself.

It was calm for a few seconds before a loud bang rang out with a bolt of lightning striking something, or someone.

'This will be a battle between kings,' I thought before looking up and seeing a strange crimson and black plane fly towards me.

?? Hours earlier
York POV

'There they are,' I thought while looking at the team Azur Lane sent. It looked like 3 battleships, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, and 3 aircraft carriers.

Me, Graf, and Eugen have been waiting for them for at least 30 minutes. Their base was closer, so why did it take them so long?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of their carriers give me a glare. I simply glared back before noting her looks. White hair, violet eyes, admiral's coat, button up top with a tie, skirt with thigh highs and boots.

"What're you looking at Fenrir?" Asked Graf, I didn't let my glare go away and whispered back, "One of their carriers is glaring at me. The one with white hair and violet eyes."

"Oh fuuuuck.." I looked at her with wide eyes, "What does that mean?"

"It means you're so indescribably fucked."

"Oh, I'm gonna die aren't I?"



Looking at the rest of them I noted that at nearly half of them were eagle Union, with the one carrier, two battleships who I think are sisters, a heavy cruiser, and destroyer.

The battleships had similar ships, the real difference being the hair. One was white and the other red, both had red eyes. The cruiser herself had brown hair and yellow? eyes, and the destroyer also had white hair and red eyes alongside bunny.. ears? What?

I just waved at them before looking towards the other ships, they were from the Royal Navy. How I knew this.. well they smelt of tea.

They had two carriers, a battleship, cruiser, and the other destroyer.

Both of their carriers were dressed similarly, a dress for unknown reasons, the difference being hair color and eye color. One had white hair and blue eyes, the other had light brown hair and red eyes.

Their battleship was dressed like this was an award showcase with her red uniform top with medals and a sword, sorry lady but I got the longer reach.

Their cruiser, like their first carrier, also had white hair and blue? eyes, and was dressed like a maid. They really got some weird kinks. The destroyer had a type of pale purple for hair and blue eyes, she also had a trident so I don't know if I should feel offended or not.

I looked back at the Eagle Union carrier that was glaring at me earlier.

'Is she still glaring? She's gonna get dry eye!'

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