A new legend begins

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Same name, no memories. What could go wrong?


3 days later
Atlantic Ocean

A lone male was sitting in a cafeteria like area just thinking. He had no memories of his old life, just his name and a voice or two.

'Yeah fuck this shit.' Said a male voice. Imagine a sailor talking and you got the voice. This one was heard the most.

'Will you stop it with the language?' This voice was a woman's voice. It was motherly at times, otherwise it was silent.

'Will you both just stop? You're not helping.' This voice belonged to the male, otherwise known as Yorktown.

'Sorry cupcake, but I like my voice being heard.' The male just sighed at the answer, 'But  we do know your name, Yorktown, but that's all we know. So why don't we just join the people who are currently helping us.'

'Because we don't know their intentions. We don't know if they'll help him get his memories back from the sirens. They could help in the end though.'

Ah yes the sirens. The one thing that angers him for some unknown reason, but he could guess that they were the ones who took his memories. He always wondered what happened to him before he got out of that ice, but he could never get an answer from any siren he got the chance interrogate at night. They just said, "Project Fenrir is near completion then.' He didn't know what they meant, but he presumed that it was something related to him.

"Oi!" Yelled out a certain blonde bomber, Admiral Hipper. She was supposed to watch over him, but she kept her distance and was a nuisance to him. "Why are you moping here? We arrived at our base."

Yorktown just looked at her surprised, "That fast? I thought it would take longer."

"So did I, but we weren't that far from our base in the first place." To this York just hummed.

He this nagging feeling in his gut though. It related to his memories. 'What if I don't remember anything? Will I just be a stranger in someone's body, or will I be what I wish I would never be? My own enemy, Fenrir was the bringer of the end times anyways. Maybe I was a part of that project by force, maybe I wasn't. But I'll never know until I get my memories.'

With that he got up and started walking towards the tower to get out. There was no one waiting for him at the ladder, not that he cared, and started climbing. As he got near the top he heard voices, and for some reason one was extremely familiar. This just raised more questions for him. Who is this person to him?

As he got off the ladder he saw a blonde lady in the same clothing as the white haired woman, but it was black instead. Looking at her he tried to remember, but got nothing but a voice, 'Why don't you join Iron Blood?'

Shaking his head he saw her looking at him with surprise in her eyes. He just waved before jumping down.

"It's good to see you York."

York looked at her puzzled. Did they know each other? "Sorry, but do I know you? I mean you seem familiar, but I don't remember from where."

"What do you mean you don't remember? It's me Bismarck."

York seemed to be in deep thought before responding, "Still doesn't ring a bell, but I can guess you were important to me. Only know some things due to this folder, at least I think it's related to me."

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