
822 20 12

Last part of this, would it be arc? Does it count as an arc? Well I guess the Return Arc. I suck at naming things.


20 minutes earlier

It was a pretty normal day for Azur Lane. Patrols coming in and going out, shopping, eating Nevada and Oklahoma's cooking, and for some, paperwork.

However, they still had that strange ship in their fueling station. Nothing was done yet, but they were prepared to move it to a more secure location. A couple kansens were still walking through the ship, trying to figure it out, and were looking at the aircraft. Pretty normal for an aircraft carrier, but what they didn't know was the history. The same ship was the first one to hit the mighty Yamato and claimed the kill, the last Essex to survive the wyvern war. It had a rich history that not many paid much mind to.

The said ship was dormant and silent, much like its spirit because he got K.O.ed by the commander.

The same Commander that was struggling with paperwork at the moment. Her current plan was to get most of this done before questioning the prisoner. And if need be, put him in solitary confinement. Restrict all his functions until this conflict resolves and she gets more time to deal with him. But she didn't have much time anyways, nor would she get a chance.

In a different part of the base a nun with light pink hair could be seen berating a tall white haired woman for getting herself injured last night. It was pretty funny since the nun was essentially half her size.

The canteen was still somewhat empty due to it being 8 in the morning with a patrol just leaving with another returning. Some were in the infirmary due to the carrier that pulled up and turned out to be a guy. His knife skills are better than a Brit's.

Other ships were docked and their kansens either sleeping in or doing something. Like shopping or doing whatever.

The prison only had three people. Wales, York, and the blond York absolutely destroyed with knives. You see when Wales walked out she told the maid to be ready if he tries to escape, but we know how that ends for the maid.

Present time
York POV

"I'm so gonna regret this..." I mumbled as I ran for my ship. Now I'm lucky I got that upgrade. It gave me my metal deck back alongside the angled deck. Only reason I'm deciding to help them, somewhat, was because of Laffey. After that I'm gone.

As I was approaching my ship the burning feeling in my right hand returned. "Shit! I don't have time for this." Shaking my hand I continued my run to my ship.

I think I've been running for 10 minutes, but I still haven't found my ship. How have I not found my ship! It's big and has the number 10 painted on the side for fucks sake!

Turning behind me I was met with my ship. "God dammit! I'm blind as a bat!" I yelled before jumping on top of my ship. First I need to make sure my elevators work properly.

"Come on. Work dammit!" Shit. My elevators are working, but slowly. I think they need to be worked on later. Might as well send out some.

"Let them know one American still stands!"


As the Azur Lane ships were getting swarmed by siren ships a low whistling sound was heard. One took the chance to look up and saw something unbelievable. 10 planes, most likely dive bombers, were coming in fast. She watched as they split in pairs while flying into siren AA before hearing loud explosions from the siren's back line. She watched as they flew back off before going back into the fray.

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