The calm before the storm pt. 2

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We're back


1 day later
Pacific Ocean

I was sailing pretty calmly for once. No one to try to rape me, trap me, or cuddle me. No one telling jokes, playing pranks or making bets.

"You never notice you miss something until it's gone, huh. Well whoever said that was right."

Now that I realize it I do miss the pranks Bama and Wisconsin played on each other, the jokes Iowa made, and Akagi trying to cuddle me, despite me trying to avoid her. I guess I had it good for once.

I was sailing towards Eagle Union's main land, I wanted to see how they treated their citizens. If a country can't protect its own people how can it protect humanity?

It would take at most 5 more days, most of which I'm spending time on practicing my dogfighting skills to improve upon them. The only day I would use to take a break would be the second to last day to rest.

And as I was sailing pass an island I heard the light hum of a engine. Looking to my left I saw a faint outline of a jet? Who does that belong to?

As it got closer I noticed that it was indeed a jet, but not a normal one. No this one seemed like it belong to the same faction those red and black ships belonged to. What were they called again? Seamen or sires? Sirens! That's what it was!

Deciding that I don't want to deal with it I sent two planes to deal with it while I just continued to sail. Hearing a distant explosion I looked back over to see only one of my planes still flying with nothing else up there. I guess my other plane suicided the siren jet.

Day 1

I was practicing basic maneuvers with my fighters. I was relearning everything by myself and decided to spend the most time on maneuvers as I could before trying to get the dogfight part done. Can't exactly fight if you're out of the air before you know it.

Day 2

Spent this day also on maneuvers. Weren't as basic, but easy to do and counter. Only need these if I know I have total air domination and feeling confident.

Day 3

Time for more advance maneuvers. With these I could also practice dogfighting while also doing evasive maneuvers. If I want air domination, then I'll need to be able to keep my planes up in the air as long as possible. I can't own the sky if I have nothing up there.

Day 4

My day of rest. I spent most of this day sleeping. Woke up to eat meals, use the bathroom, check where I am, and weather. I was only on my deck for a nap and let me say none of my other naps could compete with it.

Day 5

As a lone ship could be seen approaching land the buildings on said land were in ruin. Destroyed to rubble and debris. Destroyed vehicles could be seen from under some spots of the rubble. The tallest building standing was 15 stories tall. On top of it was a lone and battered flag, it looked like it should have fallen long ago yet it still flies.

As the lone carrier pulled into the destroyed port he looked around in sadness, remembering what happened to his country. He took note of how quiet it was before summoning a different weapon than his bow, a M1 Garand.

He jumped from his ship onto the water due to the amount of damage the port took. He walked past everything before looking at the flag. Seeing it made tears fall for him for the flag was an all too familiar flag for him. With thirteen stripes of red and white with a blue box in the top left, but with an eagle and a shield. It wasn't his country's but it was too similar for him to recognize that fact at first.

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