I feel the need..

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This one may be a little shorter, but that's due to the next chapter idea.


Fenrir POV
6 hours later

'Hm? How did I get here?' I thought to myself.

You see I was currently on a beach covered in sand and bits of dry blood? How the hell did I get blood on me? I know I'm still at the Iron Blood base because I could see some of the buildings. I felt normal, not tired or anything that would say I did something, but I also felt a little lighter. Almost like I lost some unnecessary weight.

Looking around I saw bits of metal around me alongside a arrow in my arm. At least it's not the knee. Ripping the arrow out I had to grunt to not be loud before standing.

'I should go back to my ship.' I really need to wash up and get this wound covered. The voices are also quiet for once, thank god.


"That hits the spot."

I was done with almost everything, just needed to eat. Luckily I had the best thing I could get. A shit ton of noodles.

I was currently sitting on my flight deck watching the ocean, quite calming for some reason. Enjoyed a slight breeze before going back down to clean everything.

I still had something to do, but I still had 5 hours, but how do I spend 4 of them. Hmmmmmmmmm.. nap time.

As I got closer to my bed I had a bad feeling, like something was gonna happen. Something I could prevent, but how the hell do I prevent something I don't know? Eh who cares. That's future me's problem.


As York fell asleep a different prescience would make it's appearance. His hair stayed white, but this time his eyes turned a darker shade of red.

"You won't win Fenrir."

'Oh really?'

"Yes really you stupid cunt."

'I give you an hour before I take control again.'

"Damn, I didn't know you could count."

'I'm capable of a lot of things dick.'

"Fuck you too."

'Do it yourself coward.'

"Bet. Come here you bastard."

'I'm right here, already inside you.'

"That was smooth ya cunt."


"Now shut up so I can enjoy my hour. You had to much fun last night."

'No I didn't. There weren't enough sirens to satisfy my anger."

"I know, so just find something that calms you better."

'Like what? Reading?'

"Eh I don't know. I'm not you. What do you enjoy besides killing?"

'Food. Lots of food. Also swimming.'

"Damn you are a dog."

'Eh fuck you too.'

Timeskip because they just arguing like a old couple

No POV still

As York woke up he felt a little better. No pain in his arm, no crazy lady trying to get him to destroy the world, nothing. And, if he had the choice, perfect weather for cooking. But noooo. He had to do some test to see where he stands, we all know where he stands dammit.

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