The Return: Interlude: Alliances

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When I started this 20 years ago the complaint was the chapters were too short. Now I fear they are far too long and people dread seeing that I've updated because of the length. I'm not sure but I don't want people who like the story to feel this way. So from here on out I will make the chapters as short as I can without awkward breaks. It will mean that the story will appear much longer than intended. It also mean more frequent updates. Yay? I hope.

Is there any thing I can do to make this story more readable/enjoyable for you? I feel like I'm missing the mark somewhere?

Thank you who are reading. It's helped me through a very hard, lonely period.


From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. -Socrates


The office was swathed in shadows. The light from the outside had been arrested by the drawn blinds. The windows that overlooked the hallway of the school had their curtains wrapped around their throats. Secrecy enveloped the room. No one came in and no one went out.

A stout man sat at his desk with stacks of paper set out before him. His short, slightly curled hair was damp with sweat that trickled down into his salt and pepper beard. His beady dark eyes flitted across the room, suspiciously surveying his domain. Finally, he looked at the woman sitting across from him and gave her a tiny, slimy smile.

"This information that you brought me is very interesting," he remarked, picking up one of the papers. "Where did you get it from?"

"Does it matter?" The woman laughed lightly and draped herself casually across the chair she was sitting in.

"I want to make sure that the information is reliable and accurate."

"It is. It came from sources very close to Jon."


The woman smiled lazily and shook her head.

"Come on now, my dear," he cooed in flattering tones. "How am I to judge the reliability of what you've brought to me if I cannot vet the sources?"

"Alright," she sat up and leaned forward. "His parents provided most of it."

The man look as impressed as he was surprised. "How did you manage that one?"

She shrugged, looking very pleased with herself. "I have my ways."

"Who is the other source- the one with the most salacious details in this report?"

"An old friend of his from childhood."


"Angelo Sartori."

"It is interesting that ones so close to our dear Mr. Turner are so quick to turn on him." The man grinned devilishly. He could not be more pleased by this.

"Well," the woman said as delighted as he was. "His parents still very much disapprove of his life choices and dear Angelo- well, once an addict always an addict as they say."

"Pity." The man gave a deep laugh. "I'll need more evidence of what Mr. Sartori claims you understand."

"What do you want?"

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