Kuroo [Anniversary, Part 1]

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Nekoma, Year 1

As always, Tokyo was nothing but hussle. The newly made first year yawned as he scratched his side, still half asleep to notice anything. His usual sidekick wouldn't be here with him for another year so he had no one to talk to or warn him about the stop.

It wasn't a very smart idea to stay up playing games with Kenma. His sleeping patterns were quite odd compared to Kuroo's eight hour sleeps. But the new first year decides to stay up just for the hell of it.

But now it's coming back to bite him in the butt. He can barely keep his head up. Moving his head slowly as sleep began to prevail in the Battle of Sleep, then quickly waking up again as the train jolted upward.

It didn't take long until another stop came, a few other high school students, either from Nekoma or a different high school. One girl had been dragged by two older girls, who looked almost exactly like her.

"Remember-" The one with dyed red hair said.

"Never talk to third years-" The other one with the similar shade of firey dyed red hair interrupted.

"Unless they talked to you."

The younger girl nodded, her [H/L] [H/C] flying as she continued to be dragged. A look of boredom crosses her face as she looks at her sisters. She didn't seem the least but interested in this conversation.

"Oh, and make sure to raise your hand every once in a while. We don't want-"

"To be imbaressed to by our friends when they hear our sister is anti-social."

"Why?" The younger girl asked. "You two already look like you should be a whole other species since you guys dyed your hair red this summer. Seriously, only The Little Mermaid was supposed to have that amount of red."

Both sisters gasped at their sister's blunt comment. They locked hands and walked off to the other third years. [First] huffed a sigh, giving a small thanks to no one in particular for having the brains in the family.

As she walked down the student infested seats, she noticed one seat had been empty, next to a onyx haired guy who had been fighting between wake and sleep. She tapped his shoulder, causing him to jolt slightly and then glance up.

The two stared at each other, both keeping their faces blank of any expression. They both acknowledged the fact the person who stood before them was quite the looker. The train began moving and the girl was the first to break the silence. "Can I sit here?" She asked.

Kuroo blinked before replying, "All yours."

[First] sat down, holding her bag with her. The ride had been quite awkward for the both of them, the only thing they seemed to notice was their identical Nekoma uniforms.

"I'm [Last] [First]." The [H/S] haired girl said, sticking out her hand awkwardly. Kuroo glanced at her eyes for moment, noticing they held a sort of mischief and cleverness within them. Like a cat.

Kuroo grinned, shaking her hand. "Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsurou." [First] gave a small smile to this. This was going to be one interesting year.


And indeed it was quite an interesting year. As it seemed, [First] wasn't a sports enthusiast like Kuroo, but she was a jack of trades. She learned how to play the piano about a year ago, she's voiced in a few animes, and she was very good at pranks. Up to the point if she isn't in your line of vision like she was three seconds ago, then you're done for kind of good.

Like now. Kuroo had asked [First] to meet him outside of the gymnasium. She was here a few seconds ago, then when he blinked... She was gone. This made him feel quite uneasy for as he looked around for her.

The sound of a twig snapping made him turn, but quickly realize it was trap. Once he turned, a splash of cold water covered his face. Laughter erupted from the girl in front of him. His face burned slightly at the sight.

"Oh my God your face!" [First] screamed as she pointed at him, laughing. Kuroo chuckled along with her. Once they were both settled, [First] spoke up. "Why'd ya call me down, Kuroo-kun?"

"I, uh, wanted to ask you if you... Wanf to go out thometime." Kuroo muffled out the last part, the girl only catching a few words. She tilted her head slightly.

"Hah?" She asked. "What is it Kuroo-kun?"

Kuroo cleared his throat. "I, uh, was wondering if you wanted to... Go out sometime." There was a long silence and [First] kept a blank face. Kuroo feared slightly that she had taken it in a platonic. "Like on... A date."

[First] blinked before her grin spread even wider. "Sure, Kuroo-kun."

Kuroo breathed out. "Oh, thank God. I thought you were gonna laugh at me."

There was another water balloon. Kuroo shook his hair out. Laughter filled the air. This was... Quite the reaction, but then again he did expect her to do something like this either way. If he didn't, then he wouldn't have packed the water gun with him.


Oh my god that was terrible. That was part 1 out of 3. AlexisOraiz I hope you really like this part. Part 2 will come out soon enough.

In other news, I can't go on my phone tomorrow because I'm going to Cedar Point and phones aren't allowed. Stupid I know. But I will sneak in few things for the chapters.

Anyways, please love these my Lovelies!

Here's the list:

☆ Kuroo x Reader Part 2
☆ Kuroo x Reader Part 3


[not edited]

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