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It's 1am and I lie awake in anticipation. I'm going home tomorrow... today I guess. It's been 4 years since I went away to university. 4 years away from my pack, away from family, unable to visit my home.

When a wolf leaves her pack she cannot return without re-initiation and intent to stay, pack law. I haven't lived there since I was 18 and finishing high school, luckily that didn't stop my family from coming to visit but because my family is important. They haven't all been able to leave the pack all at once. It's been 4 years since I've seen my family together. My brother, my dad, my mum, my aunties and uncles and grandparents all at home waiting for me, but nerves about seeing family isn't what's keeping me up, it's the anticipation of seeing them that's shaking me to my core.

The twins, Raphael and Adam. My brothers best friends and two boys... men now I guess, who have been like my own brothers since I was a child. Two stubborn Alphas who like to boss people around and lead one of the most powerful packs in the world. Twins bred for power, power runs in their veins, power is their fuel. Their names inspire fear in all wolves because of the truly terrifying stories that emerge from our pack, which I can assure you are true. Cruelty passed down onto them from their father who showed no mercy in his years as Alpha, having a body count higher than John Mayer's. A beast who could kill entire armies alone, aggression and violence sewn into his DNA (but a lovely guy if you get to know him). I call him Uncle J, no blood relation of course, no monster DNA in me.

I thought that when Raph and Adam took over they'd lead the pack a new way, one where being merciful was possible, one which didn't need a dungeon the size of Alcatraz and children weren't taught to fight at 10 but they didn't. How could I expect them to when I knew first hand how self-righteous they were.

I had a secret, the reason my face flushed red, my palms and back sweat and my breathing faults at the thought of seeing them again.

The summer before them and my brother Jude left for university, when I was 17, I gave myself to both of them, not fully and not together, but enough to be heavily frowned upon in our community. Sex outside of a mate bond is one of the worst societal crimes a wolf can commit in our pack. Other kinds of sexual activity were also frowned upon and the kind I engaged in with them would definitely result in my being shunned. As far as I was aware they didn't know about each other and after 5 years I'd like to think it was forgotten. I hope that when I go home they've found their mates and are living happily so I don't have to think about what I did but for some reason I find them so irresistible. My panties become wet just thinking about them. Even after all this time, they're still in my fantasies late at night. I've had no one else since in any kind of way, I haven't even kissed anyone since my second year of uni after I decided kissing anyone else was disappointing after tasting them.

Maybe if they're mated I could have closure. I could be inspired to move on, search for a mate of my own because there is no way one of them is mine, it's not possible. I'd know.

Raphael and I didn't end on the best of terms anyway. He was always the rougher one, his father was harder on him as he always knew Adam didn't have what it takes to make the harder decisions as Alpha. Adam was the advocate and Raph the decision maker. Adam was soft, sensual, smart and attentive. He cared about others and took care of their mother when she was sick. He's the Alpha people go to when they have a problem or need to talk. Raphael's hard, cold, rough and dominant, the punisher of the two. Although people feared the both of them, people inside the pack feared Raphael. It was rare to see him smile in public, always buried in paperwork or pulverising people in training with no mercy.

It was strange that two people so close could be so different but it always worked for them. They fed off of each others differences and it made them stronger.

I sighed.

These Alpha boys are making my head hurt and twisting my stomach into knots. I turn onto my side and look out the window, watching the cool crisp breeze blow my curtains around. It's the kind of night I'd love to run through, but then I remember I'm a woman living in the city so that's not an option unless I feel like making the police wonder how a bear massacred a man in the middle of London, they always assume it's a bear.

So I lie here above the covers, waiting for sleep to take me

The Next Day, light woke me to the blinding realisation that the curtains had been knocked out of place. It was early in the morning, birds tweeting could be heard through my open window.

Stubbornly I rub my eyes and detach myself from my pillow stretching my sore limbs. I sit up looking around my apartment, filled with boxes and suitcases. My apartment of 3 years, my home away from home left behind. My time in the city, finished. My money gone, spent on expensive and overpriced rentals and booze. Uni student broke. I stood up and found my balance quickly chucking on some jeans and a vest, grabbing my jacket and heading out to see Natalie.

Outside Natalie's door I knock but after she doesn't answer I let myself in with a spare key she gave my and make my way into her bedroom to bellyflop onto her covers, yes she's under them and she groans loudly. I spread myself starfish style on top of her.

"I don't wanna leave you yet, I love you snickers!"

"Get off me nut job," she says in her Dutch accent, shoving me off her and onto the floor.


"You're fine."

I get up and go to the other side of the bed, taking off my shoes and getting under the covers, she turns to meet my face.

"I'll miss you turd." I say

"I'll miss you too Rieney. Come visit anytime okay, you're always welcome in our pack."

"As long as you're paying for the flight."

Nathalie's father is the Alpha of some hotshot pack in the Netherlands, she came over here for university and we met in the dorms in our first year.

"Let's get coffee, my brother's gonna be here soon."

"Okay, coffee is nice, just give me an hour to sleep," she says, closing her eyes slowly.

I flick her in the temple of her forehead, she squeals.

"Urgh fine... brat." She get up and begins to get ready as I head to the kitchen. The thought of leaving behind my life here makes me emotional. I don't even have a plan for the rest of my life, all  I've ever done is study.

My phone pings.

Jude : I'll be there at 12

Reine : 12 is too soon

Jude: I can't change what time I arrive, I've already been driving for two hours

Reine: Can't you just get stuck in traffic or something

Jude: I'm ignoring you now before I crash

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