I stand there in shock. Anna on top of Nat making out on the bed, their hands not visible and I immediately cover my eyes with my hand.
"Reine?" Nat says.
"I didn't see anything I promise."
"Reine open your eyes we're not doing anything."
I reluctantly and slowly pull my hands off my eyes and open them to see Anna and Nat sat on the bed.
"Whatsupp?" I say awkwardly with a strange high pitched voice.
They both look at me like I'm insane before Anna speaks up and says, "We're mates Reine."
"Holy shit that's amazing!" I say and go in to hug them but back off before reaching them because I don't really want to place myself between them right now. I head towards the door and turn back and forth and back again.
"I should leave you two alone."
They smile and Anna says
"We're still going shopping Reine, I promised Adam I'd take you."
"No stay, you guys should be alone today to get to know each other."
"I don't want to leave you alone," Anna says.
"Its no problem." I say. "I'll go with Jessica."
Anna thinks and seems reluctant. "Take Jude too he's not doing anything today and you and Jessica need protection."
"Urghh fine," I say turning to leave but turn back and ask. "Can I have my phone please?" Anna takes my phone out of her pocket holds it out and I pinch it with two fingers and shove it into my pocket. "Thanks," I say. "See you tonight at dinner." I turn to leave when Anna yells,
"Remember to buy a dress, and buy Luna stuff and sexy underwear."
After the last comment I slam the door and hear giggling from behind the door. The nerve of that girl.
I run down to the kitchen hoping to catch Jude and Jessica before they leave, luckily they're still snacking on breakfast foods. Pregnant Jessica's appetite is almost as large as Judes.
"Will you guys take me shopping? I need to buy stuff?"
Jessica smiles and says "Of course, where we going?" She pops a grape into her mouth.
"Willbourough shopping centre."
"Oooo fancy," she says.
"Well Adams paying," I say and Jude says straight after,
"I'm in, lets go spend Adams money." He grabs a croissant and starts rushing Jessica and I out the door so I slip on my boots and we leave in Jude's car.
The car ride there was interesting. Jude and Jessica sat in the front while I lay across the backseat. At first we were sat in silence, good old boring silence.
"So Jessica , what pack were you from?" I ask, bored out of my mind. I realised I don't actually know Jessica that well.
"I'm from a pack called River Falls, it's pretty much next door to this one."
"Do you guys travel back to that pack every night?" I ask confused because Jude had said they stay with her grandmother.
"My grandma lives on the border so its pretty close by. Some of my relatives even live in this pack."
"Oh that's good so you must visit them a lot."
Jessica goes silent. "Thats enough with the questions Reine," Jude says.

Kurt Adam*MATURE CONTENT* Reine finally returns to her pack after four years of being away. Four years of learning, maturing and growing into the woman she became. However, upon her return, she's faced with two men. The two men she's been running from those...