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The next few days were spent shovelling whipped cream and cake in my mouth and watching episodes of the office on Jess' grandma's sofa. Raphael and Adam were calling non-stop. They even came to the door a few times and dropped some of my things off but Jude wouldn't let them in. I hate that I got in the way of their friendship.

I told Jude and Jess everything and they insisted they had no idea. I even finally told him about how I used to hook up with them and he didn't take it that well. I understand though and he got over it fast. I was hooking up with his two best friends behind his back and sneaking around. He was mostly angry that I lied to him and I was angry at myself. But he was still there for me. He skipped training to sit on the sofa with me, held me when I cried and brought me unlimited snacks from the shop. Jess was taking care of her grandma but also sat down with me. Turns out sad me has the appetite of a pregnant lady.

It was Thursday when Jude sat me down and asked me when I was planning on returning to reality. The mating ceremony was cancelled and apparently the whole family was icing out Alpha John and our dad however the news hadn't spread around the pack yet. Raphael had broken off his betrothal to Courtney and her father was not happy and was threatening to wage war on the pack although he was too scared to try.
"I don't know Jude okay."
"You can't sit around forever."
"I'm not sitting around, I started my dissertation."
"While you were sitting around." He looked at me his eyes filled with pity. I hated when people looked at me like that. It made me feel weak.
"You can't stay here forever Reine, mum's worried sick, your twin bastards are going crazy." He rolled his eyes but I knew they were already friends again or would be soon.
I'd been thinking about them a lot, couldn't get them off my mind. It all made sense. I feel stupid that I didn't see it before, all I had to do was ask and I would've know.

Raphael cheated.

He had fucked Courtney. He'd hurt me. I couldn't forgive him. Sleeping with another who isn't your mate is frowned upon before you meet them but cheating on your fated is horrendous. Not just the physical pain it causes but the heartless cheating lying sadistic scumbag you'd have to be to willingly inflict that pain.

I could understand why Adam was hurt though. I'd been with Raphael when I only knew Adam was my mate. Although I felt the mate pull, I still had been with another, one who wasn't Adam and one who I didn't know was my mate. But Adam... I want to forgive him and I hope he can forgive me. I'd give anything to be lying in bed with him, his fingers stroking my spine, willing me to fall asleep in his arms. He was my home, my safe place and I missed him like crazy. Fuck it I missed both of them.

Jude had left while I was silently staring at the wall ignoring him and Jess had come home while I was in my daze.

"Jess, I need your help with something..."
"Sure Reine, whatsup?"
"I need to take me home but I need you to sneak me in."
"Okay..." she said hesitantly.
"Now, I need you to take me now, are you busy?"
"Nah I've got nothing else to do."She grabbed her keys off the side and followed me out to her car.

We pulled up to the house and parked, looking around to see what other cars were there but there were none. No parents, no help, no-one. We got out the car and I let myself in the house. Taking Jess' hand I led here upstairs and sat her down on my bed when she finally asked.
"Reine what are we doing here?"
I paces slowly back and forth in front her her. "I want to do something, something bad and I don't want any questions or rebuttal. I need help though."
"What are you planning on doing..." She asked, fear and anticipation in her voice.
"I'm going to see them."

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