As Adam and I ascend down the staircase, I feel the weight of the eyes around me.
"Don't be nervous," Adam whispers to me and I feel the nerves lifted from my body with a shudder.
"Come on, I'll introduce you," Adam says as we move through the doorway into the lounge where many familiar and unfamiliar faces are socialising. He guides me to approach a man whose back is turned conversing with Raphael. Raph spots us and gives me an encouraging smile but the gut feeling of deja vu returns as I smell a familiar scent. I shake it off as the new Alpha of the Oakwood pack begins to turn and face me.
"Luna Reine this is Alpha Luke Catrone of the Oakwood pack," Raphael says looking towards the man as he speaks.
FUCKING HELL. Of all people in the entire world it had to be Luke standing in front of me right now. My last buried secret has been dug up and is standing in front of me. I will not let myself get covered in the dirt I refuse. I take a breath to compose myself and hope the shock I felt wasn't written upon my face. Rule one of controlling your emotions, steady your breathing.
I extend my hand and say 'Alpha Catrone it's a pleasure to meet you."
He looks back at me with curious eyes and raises an eyebrow with surprise. After all this isn't how we used to greet each other. Like a predator playing with his prey, he lifts my hand and places a soft kiss while never breaking our eye contact. He smirks as he releases it and I feel Adam tense against my body."How could it not be a pleasure when I get to see your beautiful face Luna," Luke says, smirking still. Right now I'd love nothing more than to smack it off his face.
I feel my mates getting tense and angry through our bond.
"Although, I'm surprised to hear that the Alphas Guerra have taken a mate, let alone a delicate flower such as you with two brutes like these," he says never taking his eyes off of me.
WHAT THE FUCK. Just what the fuck does he think he's playing at, like my brutes won't rip his fucking head off in a minute.
"If you'll excuse me," I say in a sickening sweet version of my own voice. "I'm sure you three brutes have scary business to discuss without a flower with such delicate ears as mine prying."
Adams eyes remain glued in fury to Luke but I see Raphael let out a small smile to my response. Raphael saunters over and kisses me with fury as an act of possession. He lets me go as Adam roughly grabs my chin and does the same. As I turn to leave I give Adam a small pinch on the ass reminding him to lighten up and keep his head on straight. I feel the gaze of all three men watching me walk away. Maybe this dress was a bad idea after all, the lingerie under it certainly was.
As soon as I reach the bar room, I head straight for the door to the outside. Finding myself a quiet corner hidden behind a bush, I sigh. Rule number 5, there's a right time to purge your emotions.
"FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK," I yell in a harsh whisper while I flail my body around in annoyance and frustration. I hear the bush behind me shake and I jump yelling 'Shit'.
"Reine?" I hear a familiar voice question.
"Nat?" I question apprehensively.
The bush rustles once again as Nat comes out from behind along with a dishevelled Anna.
"What the fuck were you two doing back there?" I question.
"Ok seriously number 1, take the attitude down, less of the fuck fuck FUCKITY fuck. Number 2, you're one to talk about getting it on in the garden," Anna says telling me off.
"Nat why the fuck would you tell her that," I say .
"Reine," she says back in a whiny voice.
"Urghh," I groan in frustration shaking my body. As I turn to leave, Nat grabs my arm.
"Wait I need to tell you something, Luke's here," she says with urgency.
"I know," I whisper yell at her "You couldn't have found me earlier, really Nat?"
"Wait Luke as in Dr Luke," Anna questions.
"Yes," Nat and I yell.
"Fuck," Anna says.
"I know," I scream while maintaining a whisper.
"Have you talked to him yet?" I ask Nat.
"No I just saw him across the room."
"Okay, I'm gonna go talk to him but for now we don't know him, we've never met or heard of him before, and him and I did nothing ever never nothing okay?" I say rambling in nervousness.
"Okay," Nat says as Anna nods.
I look back at them and there's an awkward pause before I turn to leave, hearing the bush shake behind me once again. I roll my eyes and stroll inside to look for Luke.As I walk through the halls and am about to enter the bar room, I feel a hand grab my arm and tug me, whirling me around. I hear a door slam before my vision refocuses.
Seems like I didn't need to find him, he found me.
"Okay listen," I say. "We don't know each other, we've never met and nothing has ever happened between us okay."
"Reine..." he says.
"I'm serious, no one can know okay," I say interrupting him. "It was a stupid distraction that I now very much regret."
"Well I don't," he yells back with conviction. "It wasn't a distraction for me." He begins approaching me until his arms trap me against the wall. "I can't stop thinking about you Reine, you're all I've thought about for years." His eyes look vulnerable like he's reaching out for something he can't touch. "It's not too late, you haven't completed the bond, come with me." He pleads but I don't know what to say back. I feel something for him but it's nothing compared to what I feel for my mates. It hurts knowing I can't give him what he wants.He begins to lean in but I feel frozen in place, looking up into his desperate eyes, feeling sympathy and adoration. Before he can lean any further, I hear the door open. Before I know what is happening, Luke is ripped off of me and onto the ground. I hear yelling and I feel the same spark filled touch on my shoulders that is all too familiar but I remain frozen in place unable to move. My vision refocuses and I see Adam checking my body for bruises and scratches. I hear him asking me if I'm okay. I am okay, just scared. Not of Luke but of the truth.
I look beyond Adam to see Raphael pinning Luke to the wall by his throat. I try to yell, to tell him to stop, that this is all my fault, but nothing comes out. Everything blurs once again and it's like the world is moving in slow motion. The all familiar urge overwhelms me once again. A day of deja vu. I give in. I run.

Werewolf*MATURE CONTENT* Reine finally returns to her pack after four years of being away. Four years of learning, maturing and growing into the woman she became. However, upon her return, she's faced with two men. The two men she's been running from those...